One Man Lost

One Man Lost

Latest Episodes

Piecemakers – Part 1
November 26, 2018

Piecemakers - part 1. When the world of quilt making meets the world of cults. There can be but one grand leader, Marie Kolasinki. From her humble beginnings growing up on a farm, to starting a quilt supply store out of her garage.

Canoodling The Boston Harbor
November 23, 2018

Canoodling the Boston Harbor. It's a Friday Short for you! Canoes on the Boston Harbor, the youth are paddling, or is it petting, and getting into trouble. What could they be doing? Kissing? Hugging? Sex? How dare they!

173rd Airborne Brigade Part 3
November 21, 2018

173rd Airborne Brigade, part 3. Finishing up this series on the Sky Soldiers in honor of my Dad. This is the final years of the Brigades combat in Vietnam, Operation Washington-Green goes into effect. Also I talk about what is happening outside of the ...

173rd Airborne Brigade – Part 2
November 12, 2018

The 173rd Airborne Brigade, part 2. Dedicated to my Dad and all those who served in the armed forces this Veterans Day. This episodes follows the Sky Soldiers as they move into the deep jungle of Vietnam and into the bloodiest battles they will fight.

173rd Airborne Brigade Part 1
November 05, 2018

The 173rd Airborne Brigade, part 1. This is a two part series dedicated to my Adopted Dad who recently passed away. He is one of these amazing Sky Soldiers. This is the beginning of their 100 year history in the United States Army.

Where Have I Been
October 25, 2018

This is a short update about my absence.  I explain why I have not been uploading any episodes lately. I will be back soon. I lost a part of myself, I may have dropped it under my bed, or the couch, maybe Ozzy stuffed it in a shoe.

Nicole Mafi the Leaders Daughter
October 08, 2018

As I have promised, Nicole Mafi is on the podcast! She is the daughter of Paul Kingston, the cult leader of the FLDS polygamist group, the Order. Nicole wrote the book The Leader's Daughter, she is here to talk about her life growing up int a very abus...

Church of Wells – part 3
October 01, 2018

The Church of Wells - part 3. I conclude my series on this destructive cult. This episode I talk about more incidents the cult has been involved with. Also I share what it is like inside the cult from the views of ex-members of the Church of Wells.

Podcast Updates
September 24, 2018

Where is Nicole Mafi, the Leaders Daughter? She will be on next week, I explain the great news she had as to why she was not on this episode. So this is an updates episode. What has been happening within the LDS church lately,

Church of Wells – Part 2
September 17, 2018

Church of Wells - part 2, this episode I talk a little more about the beliefs of the church, how Sean Morris vies women, and I get into the story of Catherine Grove. She left her parents home in 2013 to move in with the Church of Wells,