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Creation Care with Steve Joneslee | Follow Podcast Episode 20

February 20, 2025

Follow Podcast Episode 20

This is a special one-shot episode with a unique guest: Steve Joneslee talking about the environment. Prepare to be challenged and encouraged as we discuss the overlap between faith and creation. At the same time, we're going to learn how each of us can make a difference. It's hard to find sensible voices that aim to balance a high view of the Christian faith with "ruffling some feathers" at work to champion environmentally positive choices. We found one of those voices in Steve, and it's a privilege to have him on the podcast!

*Stuff We Mentioned* [or wished we did]

- - Steve's website, which includes some of the work he's a part of

- The Green Bible - originally published by HarperOne - this edition is no longer in print, although you can find it through some resellers

- The Green Team - is taking steps toward creation care and you can be a part of it by signing up to the green team here:


The Follow Podcast is an honest and open conversation for anyone actively learning to live like Jesus.

For a related weekend teaching, check out this video:

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