Middle Man

Middle Man

Cold Water Immersion: Science v Sensation, with Dr Heather Massey

February 18, 2025

Cold water immersion has gained a reputation over the last few years as a bit of a cure-all for both physical and mental wellbeing, whether that’s wild swimming or a plunge pool or cold showers. But what does the science actually say? 

This week Paul talks to Dr Heather Massey, an environmental physiology researcher at the University of Portsmouth and a passionate outdoor swimmer. Heather brings both academic expertise and personal experience to the topic, exploring how exposure to cold water affects the body and the mind.

She explains the cold shock response and what this does to the body physiologically, and talks about the limited studies that have been done to investigate the potential link between cold exposure and mental health. She also shares insights from her current clinical trials investigating such effects and discusses whether the benefits are likely to come from the water itself or the sense of accomplishment that follows immersion.

Whether you're a sceptic, a seasoned cold water swimmer, or just curious about the trend, this episode provides an informed and balanced perspective on the potential benefits and risks of cold water immersion.
You can find out more about The OUTdoor Swimming as a nature-based Intervention for DEpression (OUTSIDE) study at outside2.co.uk

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