Middle Man

Middle Man

How to Live a Soft Life

October 23, 2024

A couple of years ago a trend called ‘the soft life’ started to emerge on the internet. But unlike most other internet trends, this one has particular relevance to midlife men, focusing as it does on emotional wellbeing and self-care.

A strong advocate for the soft life is Dr Sarah Nicholls, an A&E doctor, burnout coach and YouTuber who embraced this way of living after experiencing her own spell of burnout. This week Paul talks to Sarah about living a life that reduces stress and instead priorities mental wellbeing, ease and personal fulfilment. 

Sarah explains how adopting a soft life helped her manage anxiety and insomnia, and allows her to navigate stressful situations more calmly and productively. She talks about the value of making time for oneself and practising self-compassion, and about how adopting small daily habits can make a significant difference over time. 

The conversation also addresses the need to recognise and address chronic stress, which can lead to a loss of identity and joy. And it discusses how living a soft life is about making mindful decisions to create a more balanced, joyful, and fulfilling existence.

You can read the full transcript for this episode at www.middlemanpodcast.com/transcript-soft-life

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