Middle Man

Middle Man

The Cost of People Pleasing

October 02, 2024

Many midlife men have a problem with saying ‘yes’. In that they do it all the time out of habit, regardless of what’s best for them. They want to be seen as supportive in their professional or their family life and, though it comes from a good place, they end up overcommitting and never saying ‘no’ to anyone or anything. 

Over time, this ‘people pleasing’ behaviour of consistently valuing others above yourself creates a disconnect between a man’s values and his actions that lowers his self-esteem and damages his mental health.

This week Paul explores people pleasing with Daniel Glyde, a coach who works with men on bettering themselves. They discuss how people pleasing can stem from a deep-rooted sense of not being enough, and how setting appropriate boundaries can have a hugely positive impact on a man’s mindset. 

The key to correcting people pleasing behaviour likely lies in building self-trust and taking a pause before responding to requests to ensure choices are based on personal priorities rather than obligations. Aligning actions with values leads to a healthier, more fulfilled life and improves overall life satisfaction.

You can read the full transcript for this episode at www.middlemanpodcast.com/transcript-people-pleasing

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