Middle Man

Middle Man

Midlife Stories: Surviving Bereavement by Suicide with Caroline Roodhouse

September 18, 2024

In 2018 Caroline Roodhouse was bereaved by suicide. Over the past six years, she has struggled to come to terms with her husband Steve’s death and how it has affected her and her two young daughters. But she has also shown incredible strength.

This week Caroline shares her personal journey of loss and healing. She tells Paul about the day Steve went missing and the subsequent two-day search, and describes how his sudden death left her in shock, leading to years of emotional turmoil, including anger, guilt, and severe struggles with her own mental health. She also recounts the impact of Steve’s death on their daughters, who have shown remarkable resilience in dealing with the stigma surrounding suicide.

Caroline reflects on how societal expectations contribute to men’s mental health struggles, urging men to reject these pressures and focus on the people who love them. And she stresses the importance of living in the present, finding strength in family, and embracing moments of hope amidst tragedy.

Through her writing and public speaking, Caroline hopes to raise awareness about the devastating effects of suicide and to encourage others to seek help. She has now written a book, Daddy Blackbird, which is available on Amazon.

If you, or anyone around you, is affected by this episode, you can contact the Samaritans on 116 123 or text "SHOUT" to 85258.

You can read the full transcript for this episode at www.middlemanpodcast.com/transcript-midlife-stories-caroline-roodhouse

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