You Get To Decide: Strategies And Tools For Busy Women And Entrepreneurs To Undo Limiting Beliefs

You Get To Decide: Strategies And Tools For Busy Women And Entrepreneurs To Undo Limiting Beliefs

11. Having Any Regrets About Summer Ending? How to Let Go of Mom Guilt and Shift Your Perspective

August 28, 2024

In this episode, we’re diving into a topic every high-achieving mom can relate to—summer guilt. If you’ve ever found yourself feeling guilty or regretting not doing “enough” during the summer with your kids, or just in general, this episode is for you. I’ll share three powerful tips to help you shift your perspective, practice self-compassion, and plan for a more intentional future without the heaviness of guilt. Let’s talk about how to focus on quality over quantity, embrace the time you’ve had, and set yourself up for success in the seasons to come.

Tune in to learn how to release the pressure, celebrate your summer wins, and step into the fall without the guilt!

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