You Get To Decide: Strategies And Tools For Busy Women And Entrepreneurs To Undo Limiting Beliefs

You Get To Decide: Strategies And Tools For Busy Women And Entrepreneurs To Undo Limiting Beliefs

14. Marathon vs. Sprint: A Refreshing Way To Look At Goal Setting

September 18, 2024

In this episode, I explore the power of setting "marathon" goals versus "sprint" goals. Using the metaphor of running, we delve into why aiming for long-term, sustainable objectives can lead to greater success, more growth, and resilience. Learn how adopting a marathon mindset can help you develop discipline, handle setbacks, and maintain motivation on your journey toward achieving your biggest dreams. Sprint goals are designed for quick, intense bursts of effort, leading to fast results and immediate gratification. While they can be effective for short-term achievements, sprint goals may lack the sustainability and depth needed for long-term growth and lasting success.

If you are interested in 30 min free coaching to be recorded for the podcast or any other inquiries about working with me OR general questions and comments:

