You Get To Decide: Strategies And Tools For Busy Women And Entrepreneurs To Undo Limiting Beliefs

You Get To Decide: Strategies And Tools For Busy Women And Entrepreneurs To Undo Limiting Beliefs

9. Using Regret As A Tool

August 14, 2024

In this episode, I explore the concept of regret and how it can be transformed into a powerful tool for personal growth. Instead of viewing regret as a burden, I'll show you how I use it as a guide to make better decisions in my own personal stories. This will help you gain deeper self-awareness and create a more fulfilling life. Tune in to learn practical strategies for turning your regrets into stepping stones toward a brighter future.

If you want help in processing regret, quieting the self critic or creating new results in your life click the link to my calendar and let's have a free call to figure out what could be possible for you! We will discover what may be holding you back right there on that call and you can also then decide if I am the right fit to help you!

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