You Get To Decide: Strategies And Tools For Busy Women And Entrepreneurs To Undo Limiting Beliefs

You Get To Decide: Strategies And Tools For Busy Women And Entrepreneurs To Undo Limiting Beliefs

6. Taking Authority Over Your Decisions

July 24, 2024

In this empowering episode I dive into the crucial topic of having authority over your own decisions. Too often, we find ourselves giving away our decision-making power to others whose values may not align with our own. This can lead to frustration, dissatisfaction, living in confusion or even inauthentically and a sense of being out of control in our own lives.

I'll explore real-life examples of how and why we relinquish this authority and the impact it has on our well-being. I share when I have done this and what it lead to.

Also practical tips and strategies to help you take your power back, ensuring that your decisions truly reflect your values and aspirations. Whether it's in your personal life, career, or relationships, this episode will equip you with the tools to stand firm in your choices and create a life that aligns with your true self.

Tune in and start reclaiming your authority today!

Interested in my summer series??

Free Open Coaching Series for High-Achieving Women to help you Decide Your Life!

(4) 1 Hour Free VirtualOpen Coaching Sessions!

Join us for 1 or for all 4 calls!

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Either way this will be a safe space to learn and grow!


Take control and design the life you truly desire!

Join my transformative introductory coaching series tailored just for high-achieving women, focusing on four essential areas:

Deciding Your Time

Deciding Your Income

Deciding Your Happiness

Deciding Your Relationships

What’s Holding You Back?

Time: Are you constantly juggling multiple responsibilities, feel lost in your life, or feeling like there’s never enough time for what YOU want?

Income: Do you struggle with your money relationship or want to make more money in your business?

Happiness: Are you finding it difficult to put YOU on your calendar, maintain a positive mindset, or to achieve a sense of fulfillment and joy in your daily life?

Relationships: Do you struggle with saying no, setting boundaries, or are you yearning for deeper, more meaningful connections?

What You Can Achieve

By joining these calls, you’ll gain:

Clarity on how to allocate your time effectively, ensuring you prioritize what’s truly important.

Strategies to increase your income and achieve financial abundance mindset.

Tools to cultivate lasting happiness and emotional well-being.

Insights on building and nurturing fulfilling relationships.

What to Expect

Each call will offer valuable insights and practical advice. You’ll have the chance to be openly coached, addressing your unique challenges and goals. Imagine walking away with actionable steps and a renewed sense of purpose and direction.

Join Us!

Don’t miss this opportunity to start making powerful decisions that will transform your life. Share with friends to learn together and for help with accountability!

If you want help creating new results in your life click the link to my calendar and let's have a free call to talk about how I can help you!

Learn the road map to your goals here: