Lavender Mind

Lavender Mind

Feeling Stuck? How can we Pivot,Reset, Renew?

January 14, 2025

Feeling stuck, like you don’t even know where to begin. Today’s episode is all about those days or seasons. Let’s face it, we can’t escape them. Some are harder to navigate than others. No matter how big or small today’s episode will hopefully give you some inspiration to help pick up whatever pieces you have and get moving in the direction you want to go.

Let’s connect! Follow me on whatever social media you enjoy. If you are interested in making transformation, especially using mindfulness and creativity to do so, let’s connect! I help men and women find their creative purpose or make time for it. We all have somthing that wants to be expressed, art, cooking, dancing, writing or anything you love. I think it whispers to us all the time, in other people or when we get excited to do somthing. Don’t wait to do those things!!!! I help guide people back to that part of themselves.

“Don’t die with your song inside!”- Wayne Dyer