The Calmcast - Access Calm, Clarity and Contentment
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I woke up feeling anxious!
I woke up feeling anxious! You know the feeling. Butterflies in the stomach, a general unease around the shoulders and a head which is a bit fuzzy. I started searching for why. Did I have a bad dream? What is going on today? What could be wrong with me? I
Information creates that overwhelmed feeling.
Information from the outside creates that overwhelmed feeling. Information from the news, social media and other people's ideas. But also information about the inside like seeking the reason for feelings, trying to control our thoughts and searching for c
Lies, damn lies and the things we think about ourselves!
Lies, damn lies and the things we think about ourselves ordered perfectly from bad to worse and here's why. You see the things you think about yourself have literally nothing to do with you. They have been innocently created over time by other people like
"I am not coping with this"
"I am not coping with this", said someone I was talking to a few days ago. I asked him a simple question, "How do you know you are not coping?" He paused and suddenly there was space. That question was asked in all innocence because I really did wonder ho
Control is an old friend of mine which is thankfully now hanging around a little less but we were close for a long time. Once upon a time, I tried to control E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! It happened in two phases. In the run up to burnout it was people, circumsta
Ahhhhh! The past ...
The past is so temptingly presented to us as the panacea of mental wellbeing. You are encouraged to work through your traumas, find the source of your behaviour and root out those unwanted feelings. I went down that path for many years but it just doesn't
A thought appears, then what?
A thought appears, then what? Well ideally it passes right on through a bit like a cloud passing across the sky. Some of our thoughts do that don't they? They pass straight across our heads with ease. But you might have noticed that doesn't seem to happen
Life is happening in the meantime.
Life is happening in the meantime. It is happening while you are making up a scary future, feeling guilty about the past or trying to work out why someone else did something. The present moment is always happening. You are breathing in the present, your b
Selective editing
Do you know that you are selectively editing all the time? The thing is that humans have a limited capacity to experience the world. Of the 11 million bits of information out there each second, we can only be conscious of about 50! So we have to filter or
If you think it's about you sound the alarm bell!
If you think it's about you sound the alarm bell because thinking it's about you is a warning that your thinking has gone into story mode. The lack of response to a message, the look on someone's face. or the behaviour of our nearest and dearest. None of