The Uncensored Self

The Uncensored Self

Latest Episodes

Is self-love linear?
October 16, 2023

A phrase that has the self-love community in a chokehold: Self-love isn't linear. But what are we really implying when we come into agreement with this statement? Perhaps it doesn't need to feel as daunting, perhaps solely focusing on the present

Cultivating a Social Life that brings you JOY
October 10, 2023

This episode was crafted to empower those feeling stripped of their energy after social outings. I share how I reframed my vision of what "fun" means to me after I changed my relationship with the party scene, and give practical questions and ti

But what do I DO?!
October 02, 2023

For the strivers, the over-thinkers, and the one who's mind is clouded with limiting beliefs. Here's a peek at how I walk through the question "what do I do?" when I have no idea at all... and I find myself asking that question very, ver

Breaking the Comparison Loop (Part 1)
September 25, 2023

If you've ever felt powerless to get to where you want to be, I encourage you to listen to this episode. Together, we learn how to conquer the limiting belief that anything is "too good for us". We step out of bondage and into new realities

A Seat At The Table
September 18, 2023

Though a bit unorganized (very uncensored lol), this episode was put on my heart very strongly and I hope it speaks to someone who needs to hear it. I share a bit of my faith and how that keeps me going: the promise of a better future. After listening, I

Stop Stereotyping Yourself
August 28, 2023

We are way too quick to label ourselves. Why don't we instead accept our complexity as humans and fully live in the present moment? This episode covers how to stay grounded, embody all who you were made to be, and throw away the expectations. Be sure

Finding Stillness
August 14, 2023

For the humans with a lot on their mind at all times, for better or for worse. This one is for you <3 Be sure to pass this episode along to someone else who you think needs to hear it. If you’d like to take the time to leave a rate and review, I would

Spreading Joy!
July 31, 2023

This short & sweet episode recognizes YOU and all the hard work you pour into your self-love journey, and then challenges you to spread that energy to those around you in the form of simple joys throughout the week!

Respect & Love for your Body
July 24, 2023

The themes emphasized in this conversation are focused on helping us understand how we can honor ourselves with love and respect in a society that doesn't always prioritize those. In this episode I discuss my personal opinions about the four pillars o

Shower Thoughts #2: Boundary Setting and People Pleasing in Friendships
July 17, 2023

Shower Thoughts is a series I utilize on the podcast whenever I feel it may be best to just talk freely about whatever is on my mind- totally fitting the Uncensored vibe! This is a lighthearted and carefree episode, truly just spoken from my brain and my