Real Estate Marketing Dude

Real Estate Marketing Dude

The Recession Proof Business Model with Ryan Kelly and David Casey

July 02, 2022

There is a recession coming and what are we going to do? For the last seven years I've been telling you about the only recession proof business model. The only recession proof business model in real estate is your database, because people are still going to move. 

Ryan Kelly and David Casey help realtors all over the country build their brand and better reach their database. Be sure to check their websites out.

Three Things You’ll Learn in This Episode

  • How to prepare for the recession
  • How important is your database?
  • How to build your brand


Learn more about Ryan Kelly

Learn more about David Casey

Real Estate Marketing Dude

The Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)

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REMD on Instagram


So how do you attract new business? You constantly don't have to chase it. Hi, I'm Mike Cuevas a real estate marketing. This podcast is all about building a strong personal brand people have come to know, like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It's your job to remind them. Let's get started

What's up ladies and gentlemen, welcome another episode of the real estate marketing dude, podcast. What we're up to today, folks is holy shit, there is a recession coming holy shift. Well, things are happening. What are we going to do? You guys have been listening to the show. For the last seven years, I've been telling you about the only recession proof business model, the problem has been like if you guys have been listening in and taking my advice or not. And I told you the only recession proof business model in real estate is your database, because people are still going to move. And unfortunately, we've been spoiled over the last two years, because let's be honest, this business was very, very, very, very, very easy. But it's about to get real. And it's about to get hard and the only recession proof business model, when shifts happen. This is my third one, guys, I've done this for 20 fucking years, listen to what I'm telling you, okay, is your database they will feed you all the time, the problem about 80% of the population is going to have right now and the real estate agent communities and none of them market their database, quite frankly, most of their database even though they are and now you're going to be struggling because you never took the time to build that database or nurture it effectively because you've been converting so many damn Zillow leads. Instead of building a brand people know like and trust. So what we're doing today is we brought on two gentlemen, on the KC market, these guys are broker owners, they base their entire brokerage just on referral generation. And there's two different ways we can attract business or generate business either we chase it in prospecting, which is where about 10% of business comes from, or we could attract it, and generate it and manufacture it. And that comes from the people you already know like and trust or know like and trust you. So they built all that brokerage around database marketing, referral marketing, I thought it'd be a really good episode because this is the recession proof business model folks, what's gonna happen in the next six months depending on your market is that some people are gonna lose their jobs the recession is coming in that means people are lose jobs, and someone's gonna need to have a problem for them. They're going to result to the first person they come into contact with. Most times, it's someone they know if it's you or not, I don't know. But what also is going to happen is the cost of living is going through the roof. The affordability in California just came out yesterday 17% index, that's insane. That's why everyone's getting the hell out of here. So we have a lot of things in the economy that are going to happen and people are going to need help. And I'm not saying doom and gloom because shifts are when you big is when you build your brand and make the most amount of money. If you niche down the only niche that I'm telling everyone to do is their database. So without further ado, let's go ahead and and welcome our guests Mr. David Casey and Ryan Kelly, with Casey first real estate out of Kansas City what's let's go prepare, prepare

own. That introduction man 17% inflation in California is

a 17% consumer affordability index. It's the lowest it's ever been in, in the history of the state meaning that only 17% I believe how its rise only 70% of people can actually afford to live here.

She gotta get out of there man. I mean, anybody living in California that's tough

come to Kansas City.

It's so tough to Kansas City Can I just Kansas City have palm trees? Was Kansas City have a beach in Santa can ride my bike to you gotta bring your own? If so,

we got oceanfront property in Kansas City.

Yes, just a murky lake that's what it is

the inside of your garage in the back walls painted and there's a big ocean there and you guys drink beers and stare at

it all day. Oh, exactly. But if you love sports, partying and barbecue that's us.

Yeah, Midwest I like it. Yeah guys love what

you said earlier about the recession proof with marketing your database video content is definitely where it's at. We that's how we built our brand really off of just past clients referrals and all that other stuff. I remember the first time I was targeted to your Facebook ad Mike and generating leads from your referrals in your Soi. That's when I connected with Mike but man it's been it's been life changing just marketing straight to your database your sphere of influence past clients hell I couldn't I couldn't get a sphere of influence person to use me for nothing until I started using video content and marketing to those people.

Just because I started thinking you were somebody that's what happens and everything right um so you guys don't have brokerage in Kansas City. And I don't even know if I just introduce you as David Casey Ryan Kelly. You guys are the broker owners in Kansas City and you guys have how many agents now? We're approaching

80 agents okay and agents to

your guyses unique selling proposition that you attract your agents within you guys attract everyone you're not like buying agent leads, you know like knocking on their doors are you people are just showing up. You're attracting them? Yes. What you attracted Business when you're in production. So you guys base your whole market on database marketing. So I like it. And that's basically that your thing, right? It is absolutely, yeah,

no, it's very correct. I think too. It's, you know, a lot of new agents, when they get in this industry, they don't really know where to start. And for us, I like we grew up together. So we have a good chemistry, at least we can almost finish each other sentences most of the time. And, like growing up, we were kind of the partiers in high school. So that always was our big thing. Yeah. I mean, you always do on like, a Friday or Saturday night, you come over to my house, and it's gonna be poppin. And

sneak the bears in the basement, they'll tell mom, Oh, it's right through the window. Well,

Zach, uh huh, and so on. So, you know, like we, we drifted apart after high school, I went military, he went to college and worked at a Ford plant. And then when we came back together and merged as a team in Kansas City, we lean right back on events. I mean, it's, it's so underutilized in this industry is like, I would summarize it as like any event based strategy to grow your business. And I just want to reduce the friction between the consumer and myself as a professional and how I can service them. And what better way to break the boundaries is come to my party, have some drinks, and let's talk shop. I mean, make it very casual and easy. So we built a whole model around that.

And you guys did how many? When you guys were in production? How many events were you doing? A year,

for sure, monthly seminars.

They could have been live video on Facebook, they could have been in person, you know, we did a little bit of transitioning there during COVID. But

we always had something like so we advertise you do weekly open houses, that's an event if you do it, right, monthly seminars. And then you do quarterly events for the clients and those events like we leveraged on the Ford plant, because Ryan, he worked there for a while it's a Union deal. So everybody's pretty tight knit. We want to crack the code on how do we, you know, get embedded in that community and capture most of the business that's occurring?

Should you not our first year, we were able to extract 1% at a 7500 people that work there, we literally sold 75 of them a home. So a stop of marketing to the database.

Yeah, when you're, let's define marketing to the database, because most people in agents are gonna be like, hey, well, I need to fucking talk about real estate, like interest rates and all that, like, what's the content? You guys are talking about? What what is marketing? My database? Me?

Yeah, if we got really tactical, Ryan jumped on that group, he friended everybody he could. So yeah,

they had their special k cap page went to the members added everybody on Facebook. Now I have once they haven't been back, I was able to push out that video content and buy them to the events. And yeah, it was awesome.

Well, then also what you can do as well, when they accept your friend request, you can ask them to like your personal Facebook page or your professional, and then run boosted posts to friends and friends of friends. So we get some static billboard style ads, we put like a couple of bucks a day behind it. And just we just knew when they were scrolling through Facebook or Instagram, they'd see our faces popping up for home buying journey here home selling, and that we didn't expect anybody to click on that or reach out to us because of that, but we want to just do ingrain in their in their head that we are real estate in Kansas City. And so now when we invite him to things, I mean, it's just It's butter on toast,

low pressure. Come on sell me.

I think the problem that everybody has is they don't know how to carry on a conversation without talking about work, when the purpose of carrying out has everything to do with it work. I mean, and it's like, like I would be like like if you just use this example to show but it's like if you like don't talk to your significant other like you're in good divorce like it just what happens, you know, like, well, if you don't talk with your database, they're gonna divorce you too and they're gonna cheat on you with another realtor. So you can't not talk to him but how you talk to him is extremely important too because you can't just always be selling your shit like look I get your in real estate guys like shut the fuck up. I don't care about interest rates right that's what people will say and that's why no one wants to read your interest rate or your market update emails that's crap content market updates. i There's a place for I'm sure. But is that something that's going to really like make your database like you're gonna get a lot of engagement on that stuff? No, because we just have to nurture and just remind that's well good you guys are so let's look at their marketing plans. Let's take dive deep on this. I'm guessing this is what you guys are teaching tell me if I'm right or not. But yeah, weekly open houses when they're at the open house, they're doing a live they're doing stories are doing pictures, they're sharing all that shit and reminding their networks and all their channels that there's an open house. They're probably circle prospecting in the whole neighborhood notifying all them there's an open house because your goal is to have them have a couple of conversations a day. The second part as they're doing these monthly seminars, so there's the authority, hey, we're doing monthly seminar. It's not if they show up, who cares if someone shows up. The fact that you're doing a seminar already tells me you're an expert, otherwise you wouldn't be doing a seminar. Correct. Paul Ryan, do you know how to cook?

I gotta watch something. But yeah, absolutely. You do know how to cook. I can cook straight in the

hamburger fryer.

You know how to play croquet? I do not. Okay, so if you got on and started playing croquet for five videos in a row, I guarantee you everyone thinks you're a fucking professional croquet player. Oh,

very true percent.

That's how you know, I'll tell you this right now, Mike. Whenever Ryan first got in real estate, I said, bro, I promise you two weeks of posting videos every single day, you will become the real estate guy in your market. And this was back in 2017. Because I was doing that in Phoenix, Arizona. I had all my friends in Kansas City hitting me up saying can you sell my house my buddies out? I was in military with him in Alaska, Bro, can you help me out all because I was posting videos every day. And then he did it. And it literally like, overnight.

So we're chasing attention. You know, when I first realized Facebook was like a big lead source. It's 2011. And we're crushing short sales at a time this is like Facebook was still a lot of tax video wasn't on it yet. But I remember I was did an event in Scottsdale and it like 200 people in the room. And the night before the event. I just did this as a test. Like I said something about short sales. And at that time in the market 33 or 32% of the market was underwater nationwide. Wow. So it was literally one in three people own a house. Fuck I needed your help. That's why we dominated no one else knew how to do it. We're the only shop in town. And I realized like holy crap, everyone here live somewhere. Everyone here is moving. It's just a numbers game. You guys, let's break down the numbers on the gurus. The gurus tell me when I pick up the phone and cold call whatever guru you're listening to. The Guru is going to say, Hey, you're one more know from your next Yes, pick up that phone and call how many of your agents can actually pick up a phone and call because that's how it still works? It's the problem is that no one has the balls to do it. And no one wants to do it. Right

Mike work works. And people they're just afraid to do the work. I mean, if you just lean back on the tried and true method, you will get a piece of business from it. Now are you being as tactical as you could be? Maybe not. But I mean, just grabbing the hammer and swinging, you're gonna get something? Yeah, for sure.

That's what prospecting is, it's the grind, but no one ever last because they burn out. Right? No one wants to rejection. But when we're talking about marketing or brand, it's really the same thing. Because that's a mathematical formula, right? You throw enough shit at the wall, eventually, you got to figure out what the ROI is. And then you know what your numbers are? Well, let's share the ROI with marketing your database, folks, because it is also mathematical. The number one reason I believe people don't market their database is because they don't know how to attach an ROI to it. And therefore they never measure the effectiveness of the content they're creating.

We are huge on numbers and p&l is and you're 100% right? When we start started doing that accounting, we look back on what actually work, we're spending, you know, 1000s of dollars. And it was like a sphere of influence. It's for employees, it's our events. It's our Facebook content. It's our buyer seminars, it wasn't postcards, $1,500 on billboards and Zillow and all that other stuff. That's the ego stuff. I had clients coming in knocking on the door saying just lists me, why the hell am I gonna take that Zillow phone call? Yeah, that's how I got so

why is it that we feel like we're accomplishing some just because we're buying leads, even though we're not following up with them.

It's that instant gratification.

It's crazy. You feel like that's what you should do.

I think that's where it really comes down to.

I can't tell you how many people I've seen even people that we've worked with. I won't name any names, but I have someone that we are working with. And we only shot one video like Oh, then they saw another shiny object and then they went to go buy a bunch of leads. I can guarantee you you're getting your ass kicked right now. Because the time that that happened, and I'm not like talking shit, I'm just being honest. Like, you're gonna go and you cannot. When a market shifts like this, the numbers all change. So what's going to happen? My guess is there's a shitload of teams getting their ass kicked this month, and next month, the ones that are spending 2030 40k a month on lead gen because what happened is, is that the market has changed. Everyone's your ROI has changed, because you cannot rely on those exact numbers still, because the virus isn't sentiment change. So if you're converting at 20% in the previous market, you're not doing that anymore, because the sentiment has changed. Therefore, you cannot rely on ROI for direct cold marketing in a shift like this. The ROI for warm referral marketing is very simple guys. 10 to 15% of your people move this year 10 to 15% of the people on your Facebook feed your IG feed your LinkedIn followers, your email list, your direct mail 10 to 15% of people that you walk across in the grocery store. 10 to 15% of the kids parents are the shockers game so your kids soccer games, at the gym that you walk through that you drive by. That's the number the business has always been right in front of us. Most don't know it yet. And this recession there's gonna be a lot of people gonna have to move they don't know yet. Trust me. So really,

if you've got 1000 folks that know you like you and trust you, I mean you're converting 100 to 150 people.

Well, you're not converting them. Yeah, because most of them don't know what you do yet until they do. Yeah, which is why you create content. You know, there's some

people though that's there's 100

to 150 opportunities in there. Yeah.

And when you do, what's the the numbers? I, I've been told this for a long time you get 2000 people in your database, you should have a million dollar business if yes, nurtured effectively,

if they all know what you do correct, because those are the numbers now, here. And here's the other half, though. But in most people when they market their database, they do it for their direct business. No. Because 100% of the 1000 people you just mentioned, have a referral for you. Yeah, because everybody knows someone who's moving this year, actually. So when you chase referrals, you naturally attract direct. Right? It's when you chase sales, you don't attract anyone, because everyone knows you're just on a soapbox selling your shit.

Exactly. Yeah. And you know, that's why we were so heavy on events, because you get so tired of sending that same message out of, hey, I'm in real estate, do you need to buy a house? Do you need to sell your house? I mean, go through your Facebook message thread and see how many times you sent that to the same person. They keep ignoring it. Yeah, they turtle at that point, people actually

do that, like people actually Facebook Messenger and just cold call people, hey, you need to buy out like you guys are doing that. Don't ever do that again,

you know, don't ever do that. And that's why like, I want that random coffee shop interaction where I find somebody who I maybe went to high school with or a past client or a friend of a friend. And they say, Oh, hey, what's going on? And then it casually comes up that maybe they're looking to buy a house. And instead of me jumping straight into sales mode of talk to my lender, which I could obviously do, if that's what they want to do, hey, I'm doing a seminar this week, you should probably tune into it or come by we have some we're giving away gift cards and friend food bring some friends like it's gonna be a good time come hang out, learn about real estate. That's, that's one of the sales pitch.

It's good. Well, it's more about the touches. Like I don't care if they show up to your event, the facts like oh my god, David's have an event that guy must be doing something right. Maybe I don't mind the market yet. But I'll take a mental note of

that in there every month. So if you miss this month, come next month, no big deal. We're always doing it low pressure. You know, if you ever read the book, seven levels of communication, they talk about this. And it's like a layer. It's exactly okay. And so, you know, it's Casey.

Yeah, he was, he was like Leawood or the Kansas, Kansas somewhere around

there. And, yeah, we actually did a, like a little one on one with Him with our company. And, man, the nuggets he dropped, it's all about the invite at the event is cool, you know, bring it all the 100% button, then as a follow up to the people who showed our you couldn't make it. Yeah,

so let's do. You're exactly right. When I was in Chicago, we saved these mega events, the largest one ever had, I think had 850 People show, it's not bad. And we would run a nightclub out because the nightclubs didn't have a kitchen to close down. So it's the cheapest and that would sponsor the liquor. And from my girlfriend at the time worked at Bacardi or some somebody was I had all the ship paid for and I had all of our vendors, but we would have 800 people. And the reason why we would that we did it twice in a row two years in a row. And the reason why we did the events wasn't for who showed up, it was for all the touches around it. Because I know when we're doing an event, we sent out direct mail piece, so did all 15 of our agents, then all 15 of our agents send out email pieces, and we ran ads even for the event. And then once we were at the event, we shook hands kiss babies, and then we are done with the event. We sent them back the video from the event of the time that they missed. And then we repurpose the whole damn thing. And you get a bunch of video footage from the event. You get a bunch of testimonials. There's just so much content there. But you're right, I would get business from it every damn time. And we would spend about 15k on these things are out of pocket. But it penciled in like 6090 days. Yeah, because of how many connections that you have there. And I would get some of the agents would invite some of their clients. And it was my event. And they didn't sponsor and I ended up selling their clients shit. They forgot who they were, they just ran in there from a friend of a friend. And I remember what's one of your events a day, they're invited from a friend of a friend of a friend and all sudden they became a client. Yeah, this is about attention, folks. This is all this is attention. Attention, attention, attention attention. So let's get into you guys have an agent accelerator program in your office. And I'm actually going to Kansas City. What am I going against pomp August 4, August, August 4, we're gonna be having an event in Kansas City. So if you're in there, you guys can go to that event. If you're in the area if you want to fly in. That's cool. But why don't you what we're focusing on as a sole agent accelerator program. Walk me through it. How does it work? What do we do? What is Agent accelerator?

Yeah, Agent accelerators. We basically dissected what worked in our business, how we were able to get 30 closings stacked into one month as a team during a pandemic, our tried and true principles. And then we're bringing in some heavy hitters as well that are growing massive offices running powerful teams, and really getting after it national speakers as well. And they're going to open up their playbook. We're going to take you from day one agents to even seasoned vets and show you how you can implement these practices into your business and crush it in your local market. It's going to be an awesome event. We're gonna have a lot of content around that as well. So you're gonna get some free resources from each of the speakers to downloadable PDFs, things you can implement in your business right away. This event is It's very cheap considering the amount of information and knowledge you're going to get.

If you don't get that much value from this event you didn't show up, you didn't

show you're not implementing you weren't paying attention, you should be able to get at least one piece of business for sure. With some of the tips and tricks that are going to be shown here. It's going to be a lot of fun.

Like get get your tickets, let's go into some of the topics we're gonna be chatting about, I want to know specifically on how you guys work the system, like if I'm an agent in Kansas City, I come into your guys, what does your system look like? What are the touches? Let's break it down.

Yeah, so I mean, it really depends on if you're brand spanking new. I mean, it's the basics. It's like, Do you have a Facebook? Or like, Do you have a friend group? Like, where can we start pulling business from because like you said, we grew our business off of referrals, people that know us, like us, and trust us. And we parlayed that into friends of friends, and then an outer circle of that. So we got to know where you're starting from first, because not everybody is exactly the same. But bare bones right off the bat, you need a website CRM, you need a funnel that you can capture clients through, I call these mouse traps. We just need to get you into a rhythm. So hook you up on our website, CRM, show you how to run some free Facebook posts online, let's get some passive buyers rolling through just some Facebook messages people to practice on essentially, what a second race? Yeah, we're doing scripts, I'm gonna get you inside of a house of vacant home, you're gonna start doing some home tours, let's get you comfortable opening doors, showing off properties and demonstrating to your sphere of influence within that first two weeks. Hey, I'm in real estate, I'm taking it serious. I'm excited about it. And I'm here to help.

So you got to force them to create content, in a sense,

absolutely have to will pull out the camera right in front of them, hey, it's showtime go.

Yeah, like we need to get them out of their own head. And we need to just get them comfortable just being in promotion mode. Because at the end of the day, we're marketers, this is a contact sport. If you're gonna stay in your turtle shell and not come out, I'm sorry, it's gonna be very rough industry for you. Like it's, it's gonna be tough.

What's a better way to learn your scripts and how to talk to people to convert them through video. Like when you do that through video, you learn your pitch, you learn exactly what you're pitching. And then when you talk to real live people, you've already been through it. Like it. So

those are some of the basics, you know, we can start there and then just start building off of that. We got tactical strips, we want scripts, we want you to message certain things to your entire database, you need to have some type of intro to that your Hey, now I'm a real estate agent. A tip for some of these agents too, that work really well. Those Welcome to the Office posts, those ones where you get tons of shares your whole family, you know, bloodline loves it shares it, comments on it, all your high school friends, I mean, some agents will roll in here, not knowing what to do. But they'll have 400 likes, loves and comments on their posts. that's those are your raving fans right there. Hit every single one of them up. And you know, it's not the typical, hey, like if you know anybody or you know, it's not, it's not your typical hammer real estate agent, let me know if you want to buy or sell a house. It's a little more specific. And so the message that we think you should send out right up front, and if you know a better one, I'd love to hear it. But it's worked out well for us is, hey, with inventory being so low, we have some buyers that are looking to find a home if you know anything off market, please let me know or Nova may looking to sell. It's some variation of that. But it's a showcasing the fact that you have some type of buyer pool and be that you're trying to find off market homes for them going the extra mile. And if they know of anybody to let me know. And you're not asking for direct business,

one of

our brand new agents are getting contacted Phil on that point.

Um, at that point, I think we just let the conversation unfold. But usually it's people you already know. So it should be like a friend or like a sister or something like that email phone number, put them in the database. And so we actually have one of our newer agents she got she got three listings from that one. Message blast. And that's just easy, because it's,

let's, let's do the math on it. Alright, so let's go back to gerbil. Yeah. Where's your next? Yes, from your next No? It? Well, it's 10 to 15% of people are moving directly, but 100% of people have referral for you. So you're right, what you'll see naturally is that one out of 10 calls one out of 20 calls will be people probably moving directly in the next few months. Because remember, out of that 10 to 15% Most don't know they're moving yet. This year, there's gonna be life situations that happen. So that's why that number is always cut in half. But 100% of the people have referral for you. I used to do some similar, but I would just invite them to a party and I would just even if I didn't have the party. Yes. Yeah. Like I loved the whole reason I had party is just to build a database. I'm like, yo, what's up, dude and talk to you? Well, hey, what's your address? What's your email I'm sending as party. We're gonna get everyone together and see neighbor, well, then what do you have in a party for? Oh, it's my real estate company. And then there goes in like that would always work. Well, and because no one ever says no to a party invite. And then when at the party, you'd have to sign in so we would get the direct mail and then we would have a raffle. For so I would get direct mail build a direct mail list everyone signs in with an email list and then all of that shit just gets retargeted for for life essentially, but yeah you just have to have that initial excuse a value and start the conversation off because if you don't own the data like if you don't have an email address if you're not friends with them on Facebook if you don't have their phone number you can't market them can you?

No you can't and I love that that party event because then it parlays into you should be setting an open house right away get some reps in go to or some open houses if you're uncomfortable see how other agents are doing it they're probably pretty lazy got three signs out total if that the doors probably shut it

down that would be me right there

make some video content I was I was

just hoping no one will show up I'm like hey no one's showing up I'm gonna sit out here smoke a hitter and hope no one comes in the wall comes in the door that was me when I was 25 years old.

Our our mega open houses man we would we would door knock and flyer drop the neighborhood promoted. Promoted aggressively.

You got a 60 foot gorilla outside of one of those. Back toss

in the front yard. We're grilling, cooking hot dogs for people we get 20 to 40 people roll through

that. Neighbors. I've seen a lot of people do like Taco events and that would be really fun. Like do like a world WWF event the front yard of an open house. There's like two guys out there rustling or just have like sumo wrestlers in front of an open house just in the grass. So I'm sumo wrestlers have an open house. What the fuck? Who cares? Like that's the stuff that people look at me like, What the hell are you doing? Oh my god. Oh, the realtors. The realtors that have that sumo wrestler at the house? Yeah, there's got to be that one thing that the connection

has to be Yeah, that's huge. Um, yeah, I mean, I closed my biggest deal from Dornoch or from open houses by doing an air pods giveaway. It was like a $780,000 by

the only the person that one was the unrepresented buyer who's serious. They want out of a hat and there's like 30 names and they're all the same person. I

mean, you could go crazy with this stuff. That's why I love open houses you can build, you can really hype and even up get a whole neighborhood involved. And if you do it consistent enough, you're going to become the authority.

So your open houses though you're making an event out of it. Is it absolutely okay, so let's go into that a little bit more. It's not just an open house. Let's go to some more examples. It's fun. So you're creating an event. Okay. I didn't catch that first time. It's not just an open house. It's an event open house. So there's either like a taco truck or something different.

Absolutely. I mean, like we would do these repetitively. Every week it was there's a flow Monday, we were following up with open house doing the giveaway, and we do the raffle live. And I'd go give it to him and do a picture. And then we were all into Tuesday kind of game plan for the next one. Wednesday, I'm locking down the open house. This is when homes are sitting a little bit longer, too. And then Thursday or Friday, I'm flyer dropping, I'm doing some type of promotion getting out there in the streets. And then come Friday or the actual day, the open house, whether it's a Saturday or Sunday, we're putting a lot of promotion behind it. Oh, well, I miss Friday, I'm shooting some promo videos for the giveaways I'm doing targeted. So short, little like six second video clip, stop by my open house to win this free Amazon gift card.

And you want to win a free Amazon gift card while he goes out to the open house at 123. Charlie?

Exactly. We do some of those, I would target those before Facebook had to open up your real estate ads to 15 miles, you could do them to really condense ratio, or radius and we would do those and just try to get as creative as possible. And just make it fun. Um, and so yeah, like I call it running for mayor. So anytime I do one of those I deploy that strategy as if I'm running for office in that neighborhood. But yeah, that's just one of the events. That's just one of them.

And then the monthly seminars are probably like food, are they were they doing these monthly seminars? Your agents, they do them at the office? I think them in their house? What are they do? They do pop by dates? Like what are the

we would do them at the office? The number one trick that we had found had so much success for one of our buyer seminars. I mean, we had our vendors there and they're like, Hey, guys, we come to these a lot. If no one shows up, no hard feelings, we'll just hang out, literally had a line out the door. The tactic that we had used was we created an event on Eventbrite monthly seminars for buyers, we would copy that link, and we post it all of our friends on Facebook, man, could you like and share this page, and then they share it on their Facebook page, they would get interactions we'd have like 65 shares, and then you just take that little link, you send it to your database on Well, we use chime technologies at the time but you send it out as a mass text mass email with a little video Hey, we we help so many buyers answer their questions and it's crazy much points.


And you know, whenever we're send this out to our friends and all that stuff, we're never asking them to come. We're saying can you share this can you promote this and then letting the conversations unravel naturally?

You have 46 shares, you're gonna have some people you know, it's like

the end algae I heard Grant Cardone say this once but he's like you know in sales you have a choice to either be Rambo with the with the 50 Cal blasted down trees in the woods shoot and everything or you can be the predator and and you know people they think they want to be Rambo just shouting asking for the sale like closing them hard when in reality you want to be that person that sneaks up right behind him didn't even see you all the all the asks all the Hey, do you know this person all that whenever it comes time for that person to make a decision, you never asked him directly, but they've you've been in contact so casually. Yeah, they're thinking of you. And now in that aspect, you're the predator. And and that's I believe you should be marketing.

So there's a constant or a consistent theme here. And it's three words long, it's the center of attention. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Be the center of attention amongst your database,

we would have that we were so consistent with a follow up and stuff, they would feel bad if they use another realtor, then it'd be like, ah, Ryan, sorry. But you know, my sister, she was a realtor. So I hope there's no hard feelings. Hey, absolutely. Get it, it happens. Do you know anyone else that would use that? Oh, you're

nice. You're nice. I'd be like, what's what? What did you just do to me? Uh huh.

No, my language,

you know, we had to make one of our core values. First, because man, we went through so many different like struggles with people using other agents or, or not even that, but like, like, just deals falling apart, and just things just going crazy or haywire. So when you're closing a lot of volume, I mean, you didn't have anything. And so our motto was relationships first. So any of those situations, it's like, hey, because nobody wants to feel bad like that, you know, they already feel bad. Like the example rounds us and so if we come out, and we combat, you know, somebody who feels like they don't want to talk to us right now, because they should have used us but they didn't. And they don't want to tell us what they do. And then we come at him. And we're aggression. We're aggressive. We're using aggression as, as our tool in that moment, it's just not going to create a win at all.

We're like, hey, congratulations, great house. Who else? You know,

we already took the L, we already took the L on the chin. We don't need to make it a worse situation. So how can we extract something good out of this, it's gonna benefit us

because I wouldn't I would not have that patience. Personally, I had a good friend of mine before. I love Chicago. I had a good friend of mine. Now we're friends again, but we weren't for a couple years. And then one of my other like best friends who I trained in real estate, right? backdoored me with my other best friend. And then they didn't tell me about it until after I saw the closing at $750,000. I was like, bro, you guys first I trained you. I've sold you four houses. How did this happen? Behind my back? Yeah. And I remember that day. And I was like, Dude, I got I get I get pissed about that kind of stuff. I don't know how to do that. Well, how you guys handle it is how you should do it. Yeah,

I mean, do we just go on offense? Like, I want to prove you so wrong. And that decision, I'm going to be this the real estate celebrity now. And the number one thing that I've learned in this business is you want to create more people working for you than against you. Like, you got that one person working against you. I mean, you're taking a loss time since

how do they say like one good review gets shared twice, but a bad review gets shared 10 times or something like that, or as a

post and I think it was in lab coats or maybe real closers the other day have an agent on this exact topic similar and they're like, I'd like to say the situation was a seller canceled the contract, and they're a buyer or something, and the agent still went after him for the commission. And they should have they should have just chalked it up and left, you know, but they're like, No, I worked hard for this money. And I'm like, Dude, the negative publicity just on you putting this on Facebook yet alone. Their database like that one person who talks bad about you will cost you a lot more than it felt good talking about about them.

Exactly. So we just, you know, we we scream internally, when we close the door, we're like, Buck. All right, we got that out. Okay, let's just ask how do we extract the when it's like that agent that goes on a listing appointment? And because instead of that, they don't want to take a 6% commission they do. Like the buyer or seller wants a 4% and they walk away from it when the vise 95% of the work yeah, that was me to probably just put a sign in the yard, get it under contract and collect your little bit of coins and just move on. Or you're not gonna get 80% of the work, you're gonna walk away with nothing. So how do you extract the wind out of anything? What's your value? What's your time worth? And there are situations where you should say no, we're not being disrespected. I have a whole course on that inside of our, our new agent orientation, where I go in depth on that because there are times we should draw the line because people do get a little confused. We say relationships first, you want more people playing for you than against you. But there comes a time where people are just flat out disrespectful.

Yeah, that is well that's the entire purpose of building a brand when you when you start off in real estate, you're gonna have some shitty clients I mean, you got to do what you got to do. It's a grind the first two years you're gonna have to put in the work to make it but the entire just to put me on the same page or the entire purpose of building up Mirantis so that you work with people, that one come to you, but there if they come to you, that means they're also more than likely just like you like you're you should enjoy. That's what attraction is. You can attract people you don't get along with it just doesn't work. It's just not by the law of attraction like, like, that's not the way God wrote the rule doesn't work this way. Like, I could be me. And I'm not gonna attract anyone. I'm not like, because I'm being me. No. So like, I wouldn't, I will repel attorneys or anyone with a suit on to be honest with you, like, I will repel the shit out of you. You guys aren't my clientele. But I know that and I'm fine with it. Right? Right. But I also get all the dudes, the bros the chicks, and all that, because that's part of my brand. And they all live somewhere and some of them are really rich. So that's fine by me. salutely Yeah,

no, that's 100% True. I think you got to find your niche, your group. I mean, that's why whenever we leaned on events and trying to grow our business based off of those activities, we looked at, okay, where's most of our business coming from and what feels most natural to us, and we just leaned in on it. Now, I don't necessarily, I don't gravitate towards like big bikers with a bunch of tattoos. But if they work at the Ford plant in, they fit that niche group. They're, they're my guy. Yeah. And like, you know, so it just, it just goes like, what kind of category are you going to market towards? One thing I'll share with you too, how we infiltrate some neighborhoods. And we did this when we first launched our brokers beautif right before we stepped out of production, but I think if any agent did this in their market, they would crush you just got to do it a couple times. A local neighborhood high price point homes, at least for our area was like five 600,000. Yeah. Which is solid in any market. We said, Hey, we want to do a food truck because they do this pretty often we did a talk. And we said, you know, we want to do it for your neighbors because we sold a couple of houses. One of our past clients was a friend with one of the HOA board members, they let us onto the community page, myself and Ryan, what we did was we promoted the event, say, hey, taco truck, come here Tuesday, whatever time

it was added every member in that. And that HOA page added him on Facebook.

So now we were going to be removed from that group. So we just captured as many friends as we could in that moment. Because now we can retarget them like we discussed earlier in the in this episode. But we did the event blew it out did some video content around it. And literally everybody came up to us and said, Are you guys the new?

What is it? We were the only agents in that

exclusive? Yeah. Are you guys the exclusive

real estate because you had a taco truck? And you did a video?

Yes. And if we would have done that, probably one or two. You know, another time after that, we would have definitely picked up more

luck, I will tell you the number one thing that I took from, you know, social media marketing, doing those video contents, people think you're a professional.

So not only is the I was gonna, I was gonna ask that question. Not only is the

appointment easier, you get the listing no matter what, if you fuck up, they're like, You can blame something. And they're like, No, I mean, Ryan, he, he would never like, I trust Ryan. I trust Ryan like, that's video and you know, that buyer wasn't pre qualified or whatever we put the offer in on the house. They're like, Oh, no, it's fine, man. And it's just because they they feel like you are the professional because of all the content that you've done. Yeah, can't go wrong.

No, you're right. I was gonna say you could probably went into that neighborhood never sold a house in your life. And they were still thought you're the expert.

Absolutely. That's the best $600 we ever spent. So does anyone.

There's an idea I thought about doing that I want to do I just I think a great idea would be to have a junk hauling truck for a neighborhood. Oh, a junk party. I have so much junk that I want to throw out that I can throw on a regular trash and all my neighbors do too. But can you imagine having a just just renting the junk truck and having the neighbor's pitch and like the junk truck would probably cost you 2500 bucks. Right? Everybody in the neighborhood? Get rid of your junk? I think that would crush it.

I think so too. That's yeah, that's actually a really good idea.

Well, you guys test that. I'm just curious. And we'll do a follow up show on this. Yeah, we'll try. I'll get some of my agency. I don't know if they will. Because I only have three right now. But yeah, I think I think I think they'll crush it.

I mean, you know, I think getting involved in the community is is is an easy play. It makes a bigger impact. And it shows that you actually care. As much as you're promoting your business while doing these activities. You're still doing some bit of good. Yes. Whenever me and Ryan first teamed up together. I said, Dude, we got to do an event and we got to have it not just about real estate. So we partnered up with city Union Mission, the largest nonprofit charity organization in Kansas. Yeah, love it. They gave us a bunch of barrels. We put them at our friends that own restaurants and bars. We didn't know them really. We just were friends on Facebook. We hit them up in their DMS they can we drop off a barrel. We wrap that barrel around with two logos, the the nonprofit and then our real estate company and we did a coat drive. And then we did a kickoff event for it invited everybody. Everybody in our database came out to it is are at one of the bars. Yeah, no other pub. It's Sporting Kansas City or football club. It's soccer here but well yeah, well FC Football Club. And so we came out there and it was a great event good turnout. And then we just kept that going that that. That was a sponsored ad for a year that marketing campaign lasted for six months. They're like,

Wow, you guys are experts at branding and marketing and attention. And it's duplicatable. Right? Like as long as you have. I will say this the only time it doesn't work is when you're doing this in front of a bunch of people you've never met. Is that fair?

Yeah, that's very fair. Because I tried this in Arizona and it kind of fell on deaf ears. Yeah, I didn't have a sphere of influence. I didn't have a database I was building that's my

problem here. I don't have the database I have to do lead gen here. But um, you know, my whole my whole business model is very similar you guys out here is that I just blow up brands and then do all the marketing for him. Same thing like you guys are teach given them a system that you have, and they're really, it. It's all the same thing. There's you guys there's so many ways to generate buzz around your brand. And that's the key is like you just got to be in front of people. And it's about reminding people what you do versus telling them

exactly how people who stay consistent going fearless. We have agents that come in first 90 days are closing 10 Plus homes.

What do you think so it's

what the phone call for sale

by owners to like you're just crushing like these prospecting type leads as well.

That's great. All right, final question. Let's get this wrapped up. We went a little bit over but this is a really good conversation. He doesn't get a lot out of this. What do you prediction with the market? What would you be doing right now there's a shift obviously happening I my my opinion, I'd like to get what your guys's is, what is? What do you drop? What do you keep? What do you do?

All that, dude, okay, this is my take on it. This has always been my take. I love it. If you if you are failing to step foot in this market and really take accountability of your daily actions and prospecting, you are probably living in your own internal recession, and you have been half past five to seven to 10 years, we've been in the greatest economic climate for real estate up to this point. And it's still good because low inventory prices are still rising, there's still opportunities out there. There's just buzz going around of other sectors getting demolished crypto, the stock markets, but agents have been in a recession their whole entire career if they haven't been taking action. That's why 87% fail. So I think that if you're putting in these steps that we've talked about in this podcast, if you're if you're actually implementing to the degree in which you know you should be, you're going to be just fine, the people who are willing to work, it's going to keep working, but to those that are just going to keep listening to the narrative of the market is going to crash, whether it crashes or it doesn't. It's still there's people that win in both both climates. So I think it's all dictated on on you. And what I told Ryan, once he had a slow November, I think I got off the phone with them, or we were on the phone calls. He was crying. He kind of he was

like, Dude, this market is going down my buyers and I don't have anything and

there's no subpoena Karen. Yeah, I

get off the phone with him. Well, I just call me back on an offer. And he did say he said, Ryan, the market is not slow, you're slow. And then the agent she calls and she says so sorry, I didn't get back with your offer. I had three listing appointments. I've got this buyer, I'm shopping. It's just been a hectic day, I called David back and I'm like, shit did You're right. I'm just not doing the necessary things to bring the business in.

So that's my take on it. I mean, regardless, I'm pretty committed to this industry. Obviously, we run a brokerage, we got a bunch of agents, we've survived through COVID been in a great market. But at this at the end of the day, 87% fail in this business. And why is that? And it's not because of a recession. It's because their lack of effort, since he is huge. So that's my take on it. Now obviously, there's headlines going around, and it's going to be a little bit more difficult to sell homes. Whenever interest rates go up, things start to happen. And we'll find out what that's going to look like in a couple of months. You

gotta be a financial advisor at this point, because a lot of people have 100 $200,000 in equity in their current home. So I man, people don't have 20k that they're just flipping into another house. They've got some serious cash. Is it a good idea to buy at a way higher interest rate? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe the better idea is to take that HELOC out on your current home go buy some investment properties. I don't foresee the market taking a huge decline on prices. I just see the buyer market dwindling a little bit. People holding off stuff like that, but that's what I see. Yeah,

you guys will be pretty safe in the Midwest case either. You guys gotta get good inbound. I'm estimating a 10 to 20% shift here in SoCal. And I needed it went up 40% Last year, like oh, you know, I mean, like, it's crazy. And that's I think you're sending but a lot of the inbound markets like to Texas, I think is going to be they'll see a little shift, but all that but the demand is still there, right? So a lot of is gonna be demand and folks just remember you have to correct before you crash. So we don't want who's saying there's going to be a crash. We'll know right now, but I can tell you once it starts correcting over 1015 20 years out there. We're crashing. So to be to be tuned, stay, stay tuned to be seen. Awesome show guys. Why don't you guys go ahead and tell everybody if you guys tell him about the event again, one more time in case you guys guys like what we talked about today coming to this event, this is what we're talking about the recession proof business model and whatnot. You guys could go out and tee it up, Tom, we're gonna get tickets.

Yeah, we have an Eventbrite link out and a Facebook event page that's posted. So we'll share that with you guys. So you can promote that on this link. But it's going to be in Kansas City at the Stoney Creek hotel. It's right next to Bass Pro in independence.

We got it. Yes, Bass Pro and the Kansas City areas get checked out. Yeah, so

gonna be an awesome event. I think you guys are gonna take a lot from it. It's 10am to 4pm. So it's an all day, we got some special guests flying in, including Mike are going to be dropping some knowledge. I guarantee you're going to walk away with a few things you can implement immediately and grow your business.

Oh, man, I appreciate you guys appreciate you for listening to another episode of The Marketing you'd podcast if you need any help. If you're looking to script edit, build your personal brand, do anything with video, whether it's coaching, consulting, or you need us to do all the work for you. You're not going to find a better or more comprehensive video marketing company. Because this is all I do. Dude, I did it for 20 years, so call us www dot real estate Thank you for listening to show follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram. And guess what I just shot my first 12 short videos, which means I'm gonna be on Tik Tok. And I'm gonna start blowing that up. I'm going all in on short form content right now. And you could follow me I only have like seven Tik Tok followers. So become the eighth, ninth and 10th right now. And you're gonna see me grow that page to a large audience is my goal in the next six months. So appreciate you guys listening and see you guys next week. Have a good day and don't chase shiny objects Chase relationships, so it's all about peace. Thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our website at WWW dot real estate marketing We make branding video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule a time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We'll see you next time.

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