Real Estate Marketing Dude

Real Estate Marketing Dude

Create Media, NOT Advertising Or Prospecting

February 04, 2022

Guess what we're talking about today, marketing and marketing and marketing. But we're gonna be talking about a specific kind of marketing and why you need to be creating it. Everything you do today is content. The posts you make when you're taking up the ugly carpeting in the basement is content. The picture of you and your clients at the closing is content, that big ass kitchen with beautiful views, that is content, anything you publish is content, and you have to be creating it going forward. There is no other way, lead generation is dead and you're gonna burn out door knocking and cold calling.

To further engrave this into your minds, we're bringing on Gary Pickren as our guest today. Gary has deep ties to the local real estate community. Since 1995 Gary has performed real estate closings, taught real estate agents, and advocated for all South Carolinians in changing South Carolina real estate law. Toward that end, Gary started a weekly video blog that has over 4,000 subscribers. He even started a real estate podcast in 2020 to better educate the real estate agents on issues in the real estate closing process.

Three Things You’ll Learn in This Episode

  • The importance of being visual with your communication and why it is so effective
  • How to sound more authentic and why that matters
  • Why podcasting is a great form of content


Learn More about Gary Pickren

Listen to Gary's Podcast

Real Estate Marketing Dude

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So how do you attract new business? You constantly don't have to chase it. Hi, I'm Mike Cuevas to real estate marketing. And this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand people have come to know, like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It's your job to remind them. Let's get started What's up ladies and gentlemen, welcome another episode of the real estate marketing dude, podcast. Guess what we're talking about today, marketing and marketing and marketing. But we're gonna be talking about a specific kind of marketing call it media, and why you need to be creating it. So probably about a week or two ago, I was on somebody's podcast, and now he's on ours. And this guy's an attorney. He's a he's a he's an a boring attorney. Okay, talking about the most stuffy profession in the damn world. Like anyone in the attorney space. It's like you get attorneys, you get to doctors, but anyone that wears a suit pretty much all the time, or you would think wears a suit all the time. That's a very stuffy, stuffy business. Well, Mr. Gary here has taken the concept of creating media around his brand. He's a real estate attorney in one specific state, but he understands marketing, he understands content creation, he understands communication, and staying in front of people remaining on top of mine, the only way you remain on top of mind is if you create content, otherwise, how the hell do you do it? Everything you do today, guys is content. The posts you make when you're taking up the ugly carpeting in the fucking basement is content. The picture of you and your clients at the closing is content, that big ass kitchen with big ass views, that is content, anything you publish is content, and you have to be creating it going forward. There is no other way lead generation is fucking dead and you're gonna burn out door knocking dead cold calling dead. I'm telling you guys, it's common. We've been talking about this attraction thing, but I wanted to bring on the most stuffy business and show you how it even works in his damn business. And he's either due to a video he's doing in the form of a podcast, this podcast you're listening to is a form of media. I publish it every Saturday. And as a result, some of you guys, are you gonna call me next week and schedule a demo and spy my shit. And it's because I'm constantly adding value and want you're gonna convert sooner or later. I don't give a fuck what do you think but I'm gonna convert you. Anyhow, let's introduce our guest, Gary picker the show Gary wants to come in and tell everyone a little bit hello to you. Oh,

what's up, man? First of all, I don't like attorney so I try to do everything I can to not be like an attorney. And that's why

I like you. I don't like attorneys either. I hate attorneys.

To help wrong with it. You marry an attorney. You made a bad decision already. But yeah, I try not to be anything like an attorney. But Mike, man, I really love being on your show. You are the real estate marketing. Dude, you're a guru in this. And it is an incredible honor to be with you. And have you on my podcast. Really appreciate it.

Yeah, he has a podcast going what tell everyone what that is because they

are podcast called dition dirt. And it started really in South Carolina just kind of a podcast talking about things that real estate agents need to know in terms of agency appraisal gaps, multiple offers, a lot of it applied to real estate agents all around the country. But recently, in particular, in the last five or six months, I've been very fortunate to meet people like yourself and some other great coaches and other agents that have said, hey, I want to come on your show and talk about some of the crap we do. And it's kind of taken two sides. Now we do a little bit of the legal stuff and things that agents deal with. But we also hit a lot of the marketing things, how to stay top of mind how to get a referral based business, how to do you know servant leadership, things like that. So we've had a really good run over here and it's, it's kind of taken off. It's been really surprising.

So let's back into how you started this thing. Okay, so we're gonna start the beginning with this, you guys. Gary's a real estate attorney. He makes money off of real estate closings, but Gary's license in South Carolina. Right. Right. So you only closed properties in South Carolina. Is that cool?

Pretty much. So yeah, we have we used to have an attorney in North Carolina. We got one in Florida that mainly it's just South Carolina.

So how long ago until you realize you're like, I got to start creating content. And Gary today has a podcast and his main form of content Correct? Correct me if I'm wrong, but your main form of content is creating a podcast consistently every week. And all it does it has people like myself on it and other people and you interview and you give a marketing advice, right?

Yeah, we have a podcast and also have something called legal tips, which is a video blog that we did that we send out through Bom Bom and I've created about a 4500 person subscriber list. And with that subscriber list, they're all pretty much real estate agents and the vast majority are in my market. We have offices in Greenville, South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, Lexington, South Carolina. So the vast majority of that comes from my market. And I've been able to hit that group in less than two years with 1 million opens of those videos. So the videos are usually a short topic one to three minutes. And then my podcast usually runs 30 minutes. But the podcast kind of came out of the idea from the videos, because in a video format, when you're sending emails out, whether it is somebody who has signed up for your blog, or somebody, you're just trying to attract through social media, most people give you a minute, two, maybe three, if you're lucky, but anything goes about two or three minutes, they're not going to listen to it. So when you start trying to talk about appraisal gaps, and how not to have your clients stolen from you, and things of that nature, you can't hit that crap in two minutes. I mean, just no way. So I decided, hey, why not try a podcast, it was going to be a one one a month. That's all I was gonna do. And that first one went really well for us. And the next thing I know, I'm doing one a week, and it's developed into having people like you and Krista and Jan and Jan and some other people on the show that has just really helped push it forward for us. And our people listen all over the country, which is really cool.

And when did you realize like, how did you and most of your business comes from real estate agent referrals? Is that correct? That's right. So most of his business comes to real estate agent referrals, he realized that he had to do something to attract more and more referrals. And when did the light switch go out? Like you're like, you're like, I'm an attorney, I started podcasting new video series. How did you know that? That was a direction to take it?

That's a really good question. So I've been doing this for 26 years, I started 1995, before internet was a thing, right? And I was the attorney in 1995, or 96, who told the guys in our office, let's don't get internet, because a staff will do nothing but play on it. It's no good for, for searching for porn, right? People basically use it for back in the 90s. And so, you know, I was kind of always anti social media. And then I've just over the last maybe seven or eight years when when our firm a bunch of lawyers and another from broke off and started this farm. And I said, you know, we have to be different than everybody else. Everybody's doing the same crap over and over doesn't matter if you're a lender, you're an agent, or you're an attorney, we all do the same crap over and over. And when you say, Well, what differentiates you from everybody go, I give great service. Nobody gives a crap. Everybody gives great service. It's kind of the expected, so you better come up with something that's different than everybody else is doing. So at that point, I was doing a representative of a real estate agency called Russell Jeff coat. And I was sending them out. They were a big independent that's been consumed by big major. But we were sending out basically a legal tip to the people that we worked with, we just type up a little email going, Hey, guys, don't do this, as we're seeing this being a problem. And from that, I decided, hey, this could go farther, because I was getting so many positive remarks about it going hey, I love your tip you did on this. I love your tip on home warranties. So we made it into a WordPress and so we started putting on our website as a WordPress. Well that sucked because, you know, I'm from the south and we type that type all this stuff up and we're different we, you know, I come up with my own version of English sometimes and the words aren't really really that correct. But you know, I was having to type this up, give it to an associate to proofread it, send it back to me, make sure everything's legally the way it supposed to be. And so you're doing a little two paragraph post is taking you hours. And I'm like there's got to be a better way of this crap. This should this doesn't work. And so I went to rehumanize at Bom Bom and ran into Alicia there. And I started thinking how could I take what I was already doing, which was being successful, and make it different than everybody else? And I was like, video, nobody's doing this crap in South Carolina. Why don't I do video. So I started doing the video is legal tips. And I started finding out instead of spending 30 minutes or an hour, typing it up making sure the grammar is correct. And I'm not using the wrong words that I could crank out content in three to five minutes because you know, they wanted to be authentic. They don't want to sound rehearsed. And once I cranked out that content, it exploded. I mean, it literally exploded all over the place. And what's that exploded, I started noticing every time I literally can be sitting at home on a Sunday watching a football game. And notice the number of opens and then hit Refresh an hour later. And it goes up two or 3000 on a Sunday afternoon in the middle of December. It's just amazing how I'm able to stay consistently in front of my client base, even when I'm not working. And so at that point, I said, Alright, I'm on to something here. This is working. Let's now look at where we can take it to the next level. And so we started the podcast but but ultimately Mike what really pushed me to do this and to keep really going farther and farther and farther. And this is everything we've ever done in this farm has been copied by every one of our competitors. Yeah, so either

a badge of honor. Right? It's a bunch of the Guru's are copying my shit.

There's no doubt about it. I copy your shit, you know? Be honest with you. I actually posted a podcast I did a legal tip today and a business coach email me goes hell I love this. I'm gonna use this I will record it myself. But she's like, I'm just kidding. I wouldn't do that to him like I don't care still is

the best form of flattery, dude, the wheel you don't need to reinvent the wheel folks. You need to make it yours.

Exactly. So at that point, I'm like, you know everybody's Feeling everything we're doing. So we've got to keep recreating, uh, coming up with new stuff, better stuff, more interesting stuff. And that's just kind of what we've done over the last six, seven years or eight years, really.

So I like it. I like it all. Let's want to relate it back to Paco, we have their real estate agent. So a lot of people get stuck when they're like, Okay, what kind of content am I going to create? Now? Can I do it long term, you can never create content with first identifying who your audience is. Okay. And this is true for any business. Gary's business is real estate agents, his audience, my business is real estate agents, lenders, investors, we do videos for them. But a realtors business is 95 99% of time is their Facebook friend list the relationships that they have in life. So you have to look at those relationships and be like, Okay, how do I nurture these relationships? That's really we're talking about how I farm these relationships. And you have two ways to do it. One, you can just start talking about real estate all the time. And I'm gonna tell you first why that's probably not going to work as well as the latter. One is that if you are always if Gary, Gary, you're married, right? Yep. Okay, if you when you get off of work, do you? What's your wife's name? Emily, Emily. So when you get off of work, do you tell Emily and just come home and just keep talking about work? That you don't wanna hear? But yeah, what would Emily do if every time you communicated it was just about work?

It was just not look at me. She she'd eventually be

like, This guy's boring as shit. I'm going to divorce him and go find a 25 year old. But no, seriously, so but and but I can talk about work with my content, because people subscribe for marketing stuff, right? Gary can talk about work with his real estate agent list, because they're subscribing to get value from Gary. But people don't subscribe to the real estate agents that constantly hear about real estate. So that means you it's hard to always talk about work with your friends, family. It's also hard to talk about work with your audience. Let's just first identify it. Because real estate, such a relationship type business, I just think you need to remind you I don't think I know. You just need to remind people that you're in real estate and create content consistently. That's more entertaining. Doesn't have to always be educational, you guys.

And we do a lot of content here too. Like during COVID. Every single thing you heard on the news was doom and gloom terrible numbers, everything was going to shut down the economy was going to crash were real estate was going to be the worst it's ever been in the history of the world. What's quite the opposite real estate actually wanted to be in the greatest city had ever been in much years. And so I started a legal tip called Gary's good news only. And every Friday, I would send out a two or three minute video on good economic stuff, good real estate stuff and good COVID news. So like if we saw COVID numbers going down, we saw real estate and I was just getting this stuff from Inman News or Fox News or CBS or NBC I just go on their websites and there was always a piece of good news somewhere that somebody wanted to hear about and I was getting emails from people when I stopped doing it and please start doing it again. I send this to my parents and did any

of that and here's the thing then you what you sent those out via bom bom right? So when he sends these out via bom bom it do not have your branding all over the all over the actual email that says you're an attorney. Therefore you don't have to during it you guys like what people see is very impactful. And the reason why video and vid being visual with your communication is so effective is because that's where your branding plays. Like no matter what if you're going to be doing a video you better have your damn sign or something that tells me you're in real estate there. Otherwise don't do the damn video. You're missing the point. But it's a giant game a reminder, remind don't tell remind, you'll tell. Can i Alright, so we get this podcast going. And then you and I would honestly if you would have told me as an attorney in South Carolina and we never met and say you didn't do a podcast if you would have told me that if I do a podcast? Is that a good idea? I'd say no, it's not a good idea. I'd say I would probably a video series in a local markets a very good idea because it puts your face with the name but the fact that you did it through an audio only version of a podcast in the local market but made a national presence is absolutely amazing.

Yeah, and it's been a long time coming. I've been doing this for 26 years and during that time I've represented real estate agents at the real estate commission when they've had grievances filed against them. I represent the Realtors Association. A wrote that the contract helped write the contract for our Realtors Association. I helped write the seller disclosure form for the state. And then I got put on the real estate commission. So over my course of 26 years my brand has been common the Gary is the go to guy he's the one who knows about the seller disclosure. He's the one who knows about the contract. He knows about this. And so because my brand in a lot of ways has become that it was just a perfect fit for me that I was able to start doing the legal tips and explain the legal stuff. And you know, I don't there's not really a real estate agency in Colombia that I haven't represented at some form, whether it's a Keller Williams or color or Coldwell Banker or an auto real estate or whoever. And because of that been able to get this big following. And that's that has been a big help. I have to admit that. But yeah, that's been part of my branding is to be that go to guy. I do agree 1,000% with you my ability to target with agents with going straight education or majority education works to a point where I don't believe it would with an agent because if you're if I'm just a homebuyer and you're constantly hitting me over the head with what's a deed, what's, you know, what does it mean for sale by owner and all this? I get bored? I'm moving on. Yeah. But so we've started to because of listening to your podcast, and some others started trying to bring a little bit more that fun in and some of the other aspects and our podcast. No, it'd

be a good idea. Maybe if you guys did like a, the craziest legal stories of the month. Yeah, the summary episode of that. Like, even crazy, there's a agent here, she's gonna start podcasts. And we ended up calling it I don't know if she launched yet or not. But we ended up calling it humor house. And it was all about the funniest crazy stories that agents have in real estate. And what she was doing it for is that she wanted to create a podcast to create a referral based business from other agents. So humor, she just interview agents that would like tell their stories about like, the dead body they found in the house, or the safe that had like a pound of heroin in it or, you know, like, whatever it may be the crazy shit we see. Right? So I think that could have been a good idea for her. But you have to first come up with a theme you guys like you're gonna create content. My theme is creative marketing outside the box video content creation, personal branding, right? Your theme is legal pitfalls of real estate, stay out of trouble, essentially. Right? Right. So it's no differently. Each of you guys has a theme to create content with. There's a reason why people hire you. Because before you get hired, you have to be remembered. And the reason they remember you is your theme.

Right? And it's worked very well for us. And you know, like I said, we tried to venture out with Gary's good news only also did a series one time, which I'm almost embarrassed to talk about, but it was called three dudes watch The Bachelor. I mean, it was a real estate lender, and it was another Real Estate Commissioner, and we would watch The Bachelor and then we would come in my office and

watch like react videos. Oh, well, we

would actually talk about the day after it's like this is what happened last night on this crappy crappy show. And it was a lot of fun we

got it wasn't that crappy? Because you guys kept watching it every week. Wow. That's like me. I'm like I watch every episode. I'm like, No, my friends. But you watch The Bachelor making the fuck out here talking about bachelor bachelor me watch The Bachelor. What are you talking about?

Course that means like, where do you get to see 25 beautiful women hit on one guy that doesn't happen. That's why I never watch The Bachelorette. Because you can see 25 guys hit on one girl in any bar in America. Watch that.

Yeah. So there's Alright, this is great, man. So I want to know, what's your advice to people? Because here's the challenge a lot of people have we all want to become internet famous yet yesterday, right? We all want everyone to know who we are, like three weeks ago. And when you start creating content, I mean, it's not gonna happen overnight. You guys like you don't build your brand overnight, you build over day. And I think that's one of the reasons why people don't ever commit to doing it. So why don't you tell us what that experience has been for you? And give some people some advice that might be thinking about creating content, maybe they're thinking about hiring us and get on video or whatever it may be. Talk, tell them a little bit about that.

I think you hit a good point there is that everybody wants to be internet famous. But the question really is, is what are you trying to do? I mean, are you trying to be internet famous? So people will ask you to sell their crap on on the internet? Are you trying to become internet famous because you want to make your business expand? And that's been a tough thing for me to understand. And I kept doing videos on YouTube or doing something on Facebook or even doing a podcast wanting the million downloads, right? Everybody wants to say, look, I had a one go viral and a million. But if you are selling real estate in San Diego, where you are, and I get a million downloads from New York City, does that really matter? I would rather have 1000 downloads in San Diego where my clients are, where people are that are going to hire me to sale then worry so much about how many people around the country. When I first got into this podcast, I can track where they're being downloaded. And I got real excited going, hey, wow, somebody in Cleveland or somebody in Denver is watching my listen to my podcast. And it's a big ego boost. There's no doubt about it to say people around the country are listening to your stuff. But when you're really doing it to hit your market, what's really more important is core market. And so when I started really looking back at the numbers, I'm like, Okay, well, this week, 500 of the people that in my market that are looking at me that I might be able to close a deal with. Those are people who are listening to this podcast, these are the people who are looking at my legal tip video. These are the ones who are interacting with me. And so after a while, I kind of had to get over that ego thing that I want to go big and viral and all this stuff because it doesn't mean crap. It doesn't mean anything. And so that was the big thing that I had to come come away with is doing that. The second thing I had to come away with Is the authenticity of it matters so much. As y'all can tell, I'm very southern, I say words like Virginia and not Virginia because I make words up. That's who I am. I talk very fast, which is very odd for a Southerner, but it's just who I am. And I'm not going to change it. It's the way I am and people that work with you, and are going to use you that already know you that you're trying to stay in front of mind with them. If I came in here, and was very robotic, and completely different in my podcast in my video than I was in person, it would come across rehearse scripted in terrible. And so they need to know that Gary is Gary and what you get in the video and what you get on the podcast is exactly who I am. And if I say words, like forgot, I sort of forgot. That's who I am. And so that was one of the things I got over very quickly. I also had to get over with the podcast, and the videos don't have to be perfect. You hit record once and you record it, you do it. And when you say awesome, and the phone rings in the background, that's natural life. And that seems like a lot better than these that are very rehearsed and very script read. It just doesn't work.

Yep. Yeah, I mean, that's why I like the viral videos on tick tock, or like a cat. Like here, I posted a my son. I posted this reel. And I'm not big an IG dude, I'm not an IG expert. I just put my content. There's my weakest channel. However, I'm starting to get into it. And just a little late to the game. But like, I posted a video of my baby climbing the stairs and he's grumpy and he's like, or, or and he turns around, he goes, and it sounds like he says, Hi, he goes Hi. I'm like grunting baby says hi. And he said hi perfectly, we didn't really mean to say I was this way. But I got like 3700 views on this thing. And then I look at some of my other content that'll be like real estate related or anything, I'll get like 12 views. So the point being is that it's not about the number of people that see your stuff. It's about the fact that you do it consistently. I have a lot of content that bombs, okay, that's great. But I take a lot of risks in life to a lot of businesses I started that never took off and was bankrupt. But I kept trying and it's the same thing with videos. As long as you focus on the consistency of it. It almost always works like I have yet to see anybody do video where it hasn't worked like I have yet to see a case study. No bullshit, you guys at least in in real estate agents in our industry. I've yet to see someone that has done video consistently for anywhere between two to six months and not see it work. I shit you not the only time it doesn't work you guys is when people don't like you. I said every week on this show. There's nothing we can help you with on that. Right? You're probably in the wrong career. To be honest with you. You're not supposed to like it. Everyone's not supposed to like you. It's okay. I like pissing people off with my videos. Some guy just made a video comment on one of my ads. And he's like, I have a video where I'm swearing believe that. And it's targeting a cold audience. This guy's like, well, you should. One guy goes, I don't really like to. I hate because it's such a turn off the use of the F bomb and I go, Hey, you can't win them all. Another guy comes in and says, Oh, we should learn how to edit first. I'm like, Hey, thanks for the advice. Right? I hug my haters. But if you're not hating, that means no one's watching it. Right?

Well, you know, I failed at video first, I'll be honest with you. And the reason I failed at video first is I had no plan and no consistency. It goes back to what you said about the consistency. So when I signed up with Bom, bom the very first time I got really excited 15 videos, the first month, maybe the second month was like 10. And it was down to five. And by the fourth month I called Shane and said I'm done. I'm out. And he said come to this meeting. We're doing a rehumanize conference. So I went and I came home with six pages of notes of ideas. And I sat down I said, Okay, I can't implement six pages. I don't have enough time to do this crap. So what will work for me? And what worked for me was legal tips. I said, Okay, let's try this legal tip and see how this works. And just like you said, you got to keep trying and some things bomb and some things don't. Well legal tips took off. I mean, it was like bam. And so then I went to Gary's good new zoning, bam, that work. And then I went with the podcast, I do a legal tip, talking about the podcast, and now that goes on. So it's a lot of trial and error, and not everything's gonna work. But if you don't have a plan, you're gonna fail. And if you're not consistent, I come out every Thursday with a legal of podcast tip of what my podcast is going to be about. And I come out every Friday morning with that legal tip. And when I don't do what people ask me, where are you last week, you didn't do legal tip. And another thing I'll tell you, it's also found out when I do these videos, two things were important. One was background. To me people do videos where it's like, you almost wonder if they're sitting on the toilet when they're doing it, you know, it's just all you see straight up their nose and you see the back of a wall. And so I spent a lot of time developing behind me what my personality is and so if you can if you are on video, I have pictures of my family, all these different baseball fields. I've got my Cleveland Browns helmet right there. Yes, I like the Cleveland Browns. I've got some Johnny Cash stuff so like country music so I've put some pieces an outing and thought into what my background is. And then what I also found out just by happenstance is I forgot to do a legal tip, I was on vacation. So I pulled the video out and did one from Utah. And that video is my most watched video that for a long period of time, so then I started saying, okay, when I go on vacation, whether it's the Yosemite or Zion, or Moab, or wherever, I'm going to come with a list of three videos, I'm gonna do a video, every you know, every chance I get at different places. And when I get home, I'll come and post it, I don't post it while I'm gone. So we'll be able to have gone but those are amazing. Those are those have more views than anything because people are like, Oh, I've been to Monument Valley, or I've been to Zion, and they're relatable.

Right? It's really relatable, your content, your content has to be relatable. It's like how ours are like just people that hate me. I'm sure like the guy swears to me, that's all it's usually like, it's usually it's usually all the old people do. A lot of people trust me. They think I get called it all the time. You're so frustrated, you make me sick, whatever. I don't care. Like, I'm never gonna fuckin work with you anyways, dude. I mean, like, I don't, I don't care in but you have to, I understand that. I'm not meant to attract everybody. But I think I attract a lot more because of how authentic it is. And it's really just not holding back. I think it's very, very well, any, let's wrap this up. And let's see any closing thoughts you have for anybody that is thinking about possibly getting started. I mean, you're doing it as an attorney in a local market. And it's just a, it's ticking off for you. So what else you want to tell anyone else that's thinking about, and I'm not saying get on video, of course, video is the best one to use. But you have to start creating content, wherever it is, whether it's pictures, whether it's written posts, whether it's written emails, I don't care, you have to create content, it's no longer optional, it is a necessity. And if you're not creating content, you are going to be out of damn business.

Well, I think you're going out of business, if you do do something else. And that is you got to understand that regardless what the market is, there's too many real estate agents, right? There are a lot of part time agents, a lot of excellent church agents. So the agents who signed up became an agent, they're gonna sell a friend at church, a house that will sell a friend down the street, a house, and that's it. But we have I think, even in South Carolina, we have like 60,000 Real estate agents. And so you have to figure out what is going to separate me from everybody else. We don't want to be a commodity. And if you're a real estate agent becomes a commodity, all you're doing is replacing one with the other. So you have to show value, and show that you're different than other people. And if you will go back and look at your multiple listing service that they have the stats for you go back 10 years and look at the top 10 agents and tell me where they are today. I bet you almost all of them are not in the top 10 anymore. It's a new group of people that come in the top 10 Because people are not planning ahead and looking and trying to be ahead of the curve. One of my clients told me one time he's a builder, he said, if you're not changing your business and how you're marketing what you're doing in your technology every two to three years, you already two to three years behind. And so we have learned that you know, like, as I mentioned earlier in the show, we came up with the signs that everybody stands by and you take a picture says my real estate agent rocks came over that in 2015 or 16. Every lawyer in Colombia has that now every lawyer in South Carolina has that. Then I started putting TVs on the wall. And then everybody started doing that. And then we started putting MLS pictures on the TV. We did Greenstreet screens. It's gotten to a point now where it Blair Kato, we actually have our own beer. I mean, we've had our thinking so far the box, we have candles that have our own scent, you walk into a casino, you know what it smells like you walk into black ghetto, we want to know what it smells like, with the iPads, we have our own. We have music going during our closings from XM Radio, we have a bear call closing time that we do at Columbia craft. So you've always got to be thinking ahead and what's gonna differentiate me from the other people using the real estate marketing dude, he's taking a lot of that thinking out for you, because he's helping you come up with these plans. So if you're not working with the real estate marketing, I don't know what you're doing. You got to get with somebody who knows what they're doing, they can help you develop a plan that you can implement and that you can put in place and that you can market and change when you need to change because I'm telling you at 26 years, the last five years has changed change more than the previous 21 and I guarantee you the next five years will be so much more change than we've had this past five years we're looking at remote online notary electronic closings, everything is going to be changing in the next five years this this what we're talking about today in three years will probably be old hat

well said and thank you for the plug. But yeah, he's focusing on the client experience you guys and that's extremely important how you make people feel is what they remember. But you got to be top of mind for them to experience that first and that's why you have to create content so you have a brand appreciate you guys listening to another episode of real estate marketing do podcast Gary want to go ahead and tell them website they could check out your stuff tell me your shows that so they can reach you if they have any questions. And you can

find me at Blair Cato BL a ir ca to calm that's on the web. And then if you want to find our podcast it's called dition dirt without a GDI Shi N apostrophe dirt On any podcast platform, and you can find blackhead on internet on the Instagram or on Facebook at Blair Cato.

Awesome. And thank you folks for listening to other episode real estate market, new podcast. If you're looking to build that brand, start creating content, we'd love to speak with you. It's not very difficult. I need one to three hours a month from you. That's it, and we scripted it and distribute your video content and make the whole process really, really simple. So, you know, visit us real estate market to Thank you for the reviews, connect with us on our YouTube channel, Facebook and now follow us on Tik Tok and IG and if you'd like to keep the conversation going, but we'll see you guys next week. Thanks for tuning in. Don't forget to leave that review. So you guys like thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our website at WWW dot real estate marketing We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule a time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We'll see you next time.