Real Estate Marketing Dude

Real Estate Marketing Dude

Attracting Leads Online with Ryan Stewman AKA The Hardcore Closer

January 25, 2022


If you’re not focusing all your energy on attracting leads online, you’re missing out. Today’s real estate industry is so competitive that your most profitable business comes from referrals, rather than direct. One of the most reliable ways to secure referral business is to do the lead generation work for realtors – so they can concentrate on closing, and send the business back to you. I’ve brought in The Hardcore Closer himself, Ryan Stewman, to talk to me about strategies he uses for attracting leads online, and tell me his tricks for bringing the best quality leads to his agents.

Ryan Stewman IS the Hardcore Closer. We’ve talked before about how important your personal brand is, and this guy’s got it down. We start off by talking about authenticity and building a strong following by letting your personality shine through on social media. Ryan started his career in the mortgage business in 2003, but in March 2010 lost his license due to regulation changes that disqualified him due to events from his past. In 2009 and the first part of 2010, he’d already closed 260 deals. Rather than fighting his license, he turned to selling social media management to real estate professionals, and really focusing on sharing his expertise.

In this show, we’re talking about why lead gen is so important, and especially why it’s vital to help realtors with leads. We’re looking at what’s working for him in terms of bringing in business, and some concrete steps of how to handle new leads to get them to convert. We’re also discussing why you shouldn’t be tempted to play it cheap on social media, and how much a good campaign might cost you per lead. Finally, Ryan also gives me some tips about how to handle agents to get the best return (in terms of referrals) from the leads that you supply.

Today’s Topics

  • Why authenticity is key in building your brand on social media
  • How to decide who your social media audience is
  • Why it’s key to work with realtors and feed them leads, and what you’ll get in return
  • Why big companies are now hyper-focused on lead gen for realtors, for FREE
  • Social media and how it’s making it easier to get some exposure back from
  • Ryan’s verdict on whether agents should have IDX on their websites
  • Concrete steps to setting up a funnel for leads
  • Why you NEED to make sure you have a privacy policy and terms set up on your website
  • What’s a reasonable budget for a Facebook ad campaign with decent return?

Connect with Ryan Stewman

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Resources Mentioned

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Agent Legend:

Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel by John Carlton





