Real Estate Marketing Dude

Real Estate Marketing Dude

How To Socially Farm For Referrals ON and Offline

August 14, 2021

If you are constantly selling your business then your friends are going to stop asking you out to dinner or to hang out on weekends. So, how then do you stay top of mind and build your brand while still keeping your friends? The answer is through consistent content creation, relationship marketing, and referral marketing.

Sarah Cripe and Sophia Meyers are the creators of Connect Social Pop, a service that takes the brain damage out of your real estate marketing. This includes daily social media posts, pop-by's, and website building.

Listen to this week’s episode to gain insight branding and consistent communication to the same audience over time through multiple channels.

Three Things You’ll Learn in This Episode

  1. The 20/80 rule.
  2. Where to start with your social media.
  3. What kind of hashtags you should be using.

Connect with Sarah Cripe & Sophia Meyers

Learn more about Sarah and Sophia and their business Connect Social Pop at to continue the conversation.


Real Estate Marketing Dude

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So how do you attract new business? You constantly don't have to chase it. Hi, I'm Mike Cuevas in real estate marketing. And this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand people have come to know, like trust, most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It's your job to remind them. Let's get started.

What's up ladies and gentlemen, welcome another episode of the real estate marketing dude, podcast. We're going to be chatting today about sort of staying on top of mind building your brand through consistent content creation, relationship marketing, referral marketing, anything from pop buys, to remain a consistent presence on social media we're really talking about today is how the fuck do you stay in front of everybody without always having to like hit him over the head with your lockbox? Because you can't always be selling your business. If you're always selling your stuff, your friends are gonna stop asking to go out to dinner, or hang out on the weekends. But that doesn't mean you stop communicating with them. So what we're really chatting about today is branding and consistent communication to the same audience over time through multiple channels. And that's what we really want to focus on today. So I get an email from these two chicks called from Connect social pop, and this is what they do for a living, and they're gonna share a lot of their tips with us today. And we're gonna go through sort of how you do that, because I get asked all the time, the answer is no, you don't need to always be talking about real estate. You should in some cases, but not all the time, because people are gonna tune you out no differently than the way your financial planner doesn't need to talk to you about IRS stuff. tune them out. So it's exact same concept. So without further ado, let's go ahead and introduce our guests. We have Mrs. Sarah or is it miss Sarah Cripe? And Sophia Meyers. Want you guys whoever goes first. So introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about who the fuck you guys are?

Hi, I am Sarah Cripe. And my partner over here is Sophia Meyers. And we created Connect social pop to help real estate agents stay top of mind without all the brain damage that comes with it. You know, we just saw that all these agents are coming in and they're like, No, I'm gonna kick ass take names. And then they're like, Oh, I forgot I have to be a marketing department, I have to be a counselor, I have to be all, you know, wear all the hats. So we created this to help them take one of those hats off and make it simple. Because you need it, you need it, you can't do all the things. Nice, Sarah, or Sophia. I mean,

hello. The other s the other s on here. Sophia, I've loved doing this has been a really fun project. You know, we've been working with agents for a couple years, what we found is, I mean, I don't even know how these agents can take their kids to school or take a shower in the same day sometimes, nonstop. Go, go go. So it's just a really fun and easy way to keep on top of your branding. I can't imagine doing all these listings or all these showings and then have to come home and think of a caption to put on something to talk about, you know, something with real estate or something non real estate related, maybe a way to connect with your audience that's maybe just a national holiday or, or a way to reach out to them. So we want to find a really fun and simple solution that wasn't just a virtual is just social media, but also was Popeye. So you're actually going in person and seeing people you also have an online presence where you have a website where people have all of your information on there on these websites as well. I mean, they're they're really fascinating, you have the option to connect to the MLS system if you want, you don't have to. But since MLS is it allows people to save searches on your website allows you to see and track what your clients are doing maybe what types of homes that they're saving, or whatever they're doing. So we like to kind of create multiple ways of people find you both online in person on social media, kind of, as you said, hit them over the head in different ways. But find I'm actually one of things that we love in all of your episodes is you share about how it's it's the realtors job to be remembered. And so our job is to help make that easier and to make a little bit simpler.

Well, most realtors will just were the guys that are new you are people instantly start sending a bunch of content messages farming under prospecting a bunch of strangers. But what we're going to chat about today is why you should really be farming your relationships over people you don't know. Main reason for that is because people that you don't know can't refer you business. That'd be like me sending you to a hotel I've never visited before or restaurant I've never experienced before. And that's just called shady. So how can you market your business to a bunch of strangers because the truth is, is that over 80% of business comes from people we already know in life. Not from a website not from Zillow, not from lead generation that comes from the people, relationships we have. So you guys really just perfected like, Hey, I just stay in front of people and keep reminding them because biggest question we get is and you guys know this if you're on the treadmill, like how many people in the last three months? Did you log on to Facebook and they bought or sold without you? You're like what the fuck well It's not their problem. What's not their problem? Remember what you do for a living is your job to remind them to. So let's get into our social first. So social media, what type of content should agents be posting? And why? Because I thought you should post just listen to just old posts.

Hell no, hell no. So what you're going to want to do with any sort of social media is like you said before, it cannot be all real estate oriented people get bored people get pissy they just start ignoring you. So we always use that 2080 rule. 20% is only about business. 80% is all the other fun stuff get to know you personally. I mean, you don't have to put all the personal stuff on there, of course, but just to engage interest. Sophia is a great way to talk about the top three things that you should be pointing out on social media or categories. Sophia, let you take it. Yeah, absolutely.

Sometimes when we start looking at our social media platforms, we get a little overwhelmed, like, Where do I even start? Do I want to market updates do I want How do I want to be as a real estate agent on here. And so what we always suggest is narrowing it down to three things. If you'd like to do DIY, or you like to do neighborhood spotlights, whatever that is, pick three things to focus on, let that be kind of what you're taking it and roll with it. And it makes it simpler for you and makes it simpler for your audience. And then you're also gonna get people who want to come back to your page to follow you over the things that you already talking about. They know that you're always doing, you know, chore spotlights, then they're gonna want to come back and say, Hey, what's new in the neighborhood, what's going on what I want to learn about it. And then another really important feature, which is why we love what you do so much with with the real estate marketing dude, and do that is that want to see you on their videos are in a constant uptrend right now. And the only way to do that is by recording yourself by having someone record you and putting yourself out there and saying, Hey, this is who I am, I'm fun and funky. And this is what we're all about. So it's kind of a combination between those two. And you still do want to look like an expert in your field, you know, so we do have some posts on there that are real estate specific that's maybe about closing or some just mentioning facts that you don't know, because you want to be an expert in your field, you can always take them those and pull them and make them your own. But always those those three topics are always a nice place to start.

So let's put it in context. Three different things. I could tell you guys from like video, what those can be. Just to give you some examples. Maybe it's a I like the businesses, that's a that's a always a good one. It gets a lot of shares on social, but I like neighborhood spotlights too. I like case studies, I like stories of people you serve versus the houses you sold. But that makes a lot of sense. A lot of people overthink the content creation. And we do like all kinds of videos. But people do usually gravitate towards three or four different types of types of videos based upon their strategy. So that's actually that's right on. What do you guys think? And here's the thing with video, you mentioned something important. You can't like people Oh, I just posted a video like I hate when agents do listing videos, but they're not in the damn video so much. You just branded the damn house, you forgot to brand yourself and no one noticed your small little logo on the bottom. So talk to me about that. And the importance of being in the video.

Absolutely. Well, everything marketing, when people talk about marketing, what is marketing? It's marketing yourself. How do you do that? to get people to like you? How are they going to like you if they don't see your face and your mannerisms and how you talk? You know, there's I grew up in North Dakota. So after I have usually a couple drinks, that accent comes out real thick, but anybody else that's in the area that hears that that knows that? Or like, Are you from the Midwest, and all of a sudden, boom, there's a connection. Whether they're an industry or not, I mean, they want to connect with you. So that is why video is so important and putting your face on things. It draws people in it makes them build trust, which that's marketing. Yeah,

yeah. Yeah, but what do you say when they're like, Oh, well, I don't like the way I look. My I'm ugly. I'm fat. My face is made for radio. Like, if you have a client and like, do you just like go in your hop in your house? Like the client shows up? He's got a million bucks to spend and then you don't get out your fucking car because you think you're too fat? Right?

Yeah, that's exactly, they're still gonna see you at some point, they're not gonna, you're not gonna be able to do the entire transaction without them. See, you know, so it might as well go out there and have a lot of fun doing it. You know,

let's actually flip the script. I would rather what do you think this is people off the board who you really are, or when you show up and your glamor shots on the website, or the business card that they had, and they don't know what the fuck that is like, Who the fuck is this check? Like, dude, I didn't hire that fucker. Like, Who the fuck is that? People like what the hell is going on? Right? So like, if you're an agent with a headshot from 10 years ago, like you are that person, like, people in content creation is just more impactful. And you're just talking about different ways like Facebook started out with just text, then it went to images. Now it's in video and all the platforms are there just because the way we communicate online has changed video still the most impactful? That's why it works. It's the one that people remember the most. A video is more effective than

a text. Absolutely. It's building trust, you're looking good. And you know whether you think you're ugly or not, it doesn't matter. I mean, you are the face of your business. Especially in real estate, I mean, and think about where you connect with people. Do you want to work with an agent that's always dressed in a suit and tie? Like, is that the person? Because some people yes. Or do you want to meet with somebody in a blazer or in a T shirt with cowboy boots, you know, it doesn't matter who you are or where you're at, you're going to connect with the same people that you should be working with anyway, if you prefer some, some gal that rides a horse with a T shirt and cowboy boots on, and then you're looking at a real estate agent that has a suit and tie, probably not the best fit, or somebody that's dropping the F bomb and that offends you probably not a good fit. It's all about that. So it's a little bit of a pre scan to see who you are lining up with in business. Yeah, totally. Go ahead. I'm sorry, Sophia.

I just algorithm wise right now to video is being asked of us right now. Video is so big right now. So there's an agent who hasn't done video. I mean, there is not a better time right now than to do because the algorithm is literally rewarding. Those who are willing to go out there putting themselves out there and put themselves on video. Every platform wants it right now. It's it's dire.

So I do encourage it. I mean, I can. There's so many people that are still scared to do it. It's crazy. Like we have some people that aren't good on video, when they start they get better as they go like anyone else. But they're like little celebrities in their markets. And it's not like the contents even that good. Like, here's what it comes down to the other day, it's differentiation. So you're there on video, you're not if there's two people standing next to each other to agents, if you're watching video, I'm holding my hands up. This agent has a YouTube channel with like 30 videos on it. And this agent has no YouTube channel, no videos, or this agent has a website with a lot of content on it or this agent fired the brokers or this agent has a anything online about them. And this he can't find in every case, the person who doesn't know you is going to hire the one that's more accessible. Absolutely, absolutely. Then what why is it so hard for people to like start creating content like I tell them this is the new form of marketing, lead generation prospecting, that shuts out the window, your boy, Zillow stone, you guys under the bus. And what they're really doing is they're like, they're going to turn into referral model their brokerage. So they're going to be your competitor, they always have been your competitor, just a lot of people have not been able to build their own business. And they had to rely on somebody else, which is nothing more than a hand House of Cards waiting to fall and fail. So where's business come from? people, you know, your own brand?

Yeah, absolutely. And that's why we wanted to provide something where when you start hitting record, you're like, oh, what, what do I even talk about, I don't know what people want da da da da da, we provide we perform, or give you a platform, where we give you the ideas, you can brand it if you want you can put your picture on there. Or you can look at it and say oh, people don't know what the word escrow means. You know what, I'm going to do a one minute video and I'm going to break down what the word escrow means. You know, just little things like that. It's such a, it's such a nice way to get your mind going. Because when you're in this industry, and you talk to real estate agents and lenders all damn day long, you know, you take for granted what we know. A lot of people don't know what escrow means, you know, like, make up

stories. Mortgage brokers are horrible at that, like they touch on their social media profiles, like the general consumer understands what underwriting means. Like, Oh, I got a CTC. What the fuck does that mean? I was like, How am I supposed to know that if I never bought a house, people do that all the time. So you have to dumb down your communication. And it's more in the form of story, guys. Let's get into this hashtag thing. People on on it like what kind of hashtags should we be using?

Yeah, so you know, hashtags are just phenomenal. It's one of the top ways to be found, especially on Instagram, but also on Twitter on Facebook now is really capable of it. And you look at a couple different things. If you don't have your own hashtag as an agent, get one today, start one today, share it with all your friends, share it with your clients, we have a fantastic actually agent group that works with Military Appreciation. So they have their own hashtag for Military Appreciation. And everywhere you go, you click on that story, you see all these beautiful military stories, what they've helped everyone on their team who's helped. So it's a great way to continue to market yourself and put yourself out there. Some other hashtags you should be taking a look at. If you are connected with your brokerage definitely use your brokerage hashtag on there, people find you that way. But I see the most successful one when it's going to come to agents and hashtagging. It's gonna be geo modified hashtags. So that's going to be based off of your location. So instead of doing hashtag real estate agent, do hashtag Chicago real estate agent, do hashtag your zip code, do the school district. If there's a really big popular street, do that street on there, do things where people are gonna find you and you're gonna be more in your niche or the area that you want to farm in. That's really what you want to look for. You can do that in stories. You can drag reels and videos on your posts, you can do them anywhere. It's kind of it's what's so funny is you always your location location with real estate. That's the same way on social media, those locations and start farming your areas of where you're most known for. Especially if you are doing some those videos on tips or sharing about neighborhood spotlights. You want people to be able to Find you easily?

And how much what's the cadence? Like? How often should I have to post? That's question we always get, isn't it? what's what's just too much, which is not enough? How many people actually see your content, walking through algorithm and how that all works?

Absolutely, absolutely. And we have a little bit of a different philosophy here with Connect social pop. And we do believe so I can give you all the great statistics on you need to post every day and you post on your story 10 times a day, and you do all these different things. But at the end of the day, what we found to be most successful is consistency. So if consistency for you is three times a week, do it three times a week, if consistency for us every morning, do it every morning, all these social media platforms, what they want more than you posting is your consistency. And if they start playing the pattern in the rhythm that you're doing, they're going to reward you at those times when you're posting. So whatever that is, get a routine down for yourself and your calendar and just get that routine going. So that's what they really want to see is consistency.

Is there any penalty with pre scheduling posts? For someone that doesn't have time? Should they schedule posts? Is that a good idea? And how do you go about doing that?

Yeah, great question. You know, we, every which direction we've seen people who've done really well with it, we've seen people who haven't done as well, on those on those realms. And what we've seen most importantly, is that all these platforms are very selfish, they want you all to themselves. So if you are posting on Instagram, and then you're sharing to Facebook, they don't love that as much, they want you to go on that platform and post directly, you're gonna get a little bit better on there. But we've also seen some great stuff with scheduling, we do use Canva for a lot of our templates, and on Canva, they have a scheduling app on there, we can go ahead and schedule all your posts for the month. We haven't seen a huge hit on them. But more importantly, it's following up on those posts. So once that post gets scheduled out and you have someone commenting, I go back and comment on those posts, even if that's a day later, that's still great for the algorithm. Make sure going in your in your being a part of the community all of these platforms want to create a like minded community with whatever community that you're creating. So if you're going back on there and your your, you know, loving people stuff that they comment and giving a funny silly comment back or doing a fun gift back. That's what they want to see they want to get you're interacting with their community and building up their platform.

What about like third party posting tools? A lot of people like to take shortcuts and use like a third party that could hit all of them in one for us. Is that a good idea?

Typically, no, no. You do it to save time? Absolutely. Is it going to be a huge hurt to your platform? We don't see it to be anything completely major catastrophic. But is it recommended to do individual posting? Yes, definitely.

Yes. Nice. Um, let me talk let's get offline a little bit. Yeah, cuz you guys also do this thing with Popeye's, it's pretty cool. And, like people, you can't just be on social like social is part of the equation. So like, our whole thing is our thing is multiple channels be aware all the time. So like we'll run people's ads on social will run with the videos will do if they want us to. So run the ads, but that social media is just one platform. We also have to we run that we video, email their videos to their database. So they're hitting them through email. And then we also like direct mailing their database once a month, so that we're hitting through print as well. Walk me through the omnipresence importance, so that people like get this because it's not like, yes, you could have a really good career on social but like Facebook users are going down like I know, I'm not on it as much as I used to be. And that's, that's not like, you see the engagements weighed down on Facebook. Four years ago, I used to get 5000 views in organic video. Now I get if I get like 400 or 500, I'm a great, you know, and we create a lot of content, but the whole overall reach has gone down. I think people are moving more to either IGA or tik tok or some of these other channels. And for whatever reason people are pissed off at Facebook for many reasons, but the, you know, what, where's it going? Because it's not just about social, like, you can't just do Facebook. So let's walk through the multitude of everything here is his take on that?

Absolutely. You know, we get asked that question all the time. What's the best form of marketing? It's constant? That's the biggest thing? And really the shitty answer is all of it. Because everybody's going to respond differently to every type of marketing. So yeah, you can you can be on social media and be amazing at and post consistently, you know, all the all using the perfect hashtags. That's cool. But hey, guess what my mom isn't on that my dad isn't on that. You know, my kids make fun of me because I still have a Facebook page. You know, not that anybody's telling my 16 year old house or anything but you know, this is where or this is where the new generation is going. So I think what a lot of people really miss out on is kind of the old school methods of Hey, you need to send something in the mail. When you meet with somebody or talk to somebody you're going to need to send a thank you card you're going to need to do that sort of thing. You know you're right you need to spend send something out in the mail once a month. I'm email a couple times a month I'm posting daily, all that other shit. But what we really really love and people have a great time with are these pot buyers. So if you're not familiar with the Popeye is just like a monthly little inexpensive gift with a fun tag that you drop off at people's houses at their work. Just to let them know, like, Hey, I'm thinking about you, you're still one of my a clients if you will. And it reminds them like, Oh shit, like this person actually showed up at my job to drop off like a little fun thing for me to have. And I'm at the top of their list. So that's gonna make them remember them, of course and refer the shit out of them.

Yeah, and it's physical. Right? It is. So you can't people like think about how we communicate you guys. It's like I was taught direct mail still my number one I love direct mail because you know 100% receivership right? The problem is it's expensive. We're a social doesn't cost you anything, just to post on your Facebook page or whatever. But direct mail Well, you got to pick print if you're if you're going to use it. But it'll also be the smallest list or audience that you'll ever broadcast to or send content to. But don't forget the inner changeability of it. Like everyone gets it, you can't say that not everyone can see your post, everyone get your email, and everyone's gonna see any bit of communication, you outbound, besides direct mail, and whether they throw your Popeye in the trash or to see packet, wherever the hell it is, or flat from Fourth of July, they still took acknowledgement of your existence. And that's very powerful for branding.

Absolutely, and you know what they're seeing your face. And that's when you get to kind of BS with people, even if you're just be bopping by their work or their house. And what we see a lot are the clients that receive these is they're going, Oh, my God, my agent just stopped by and dropped off this cute root beer float packet, or whatever it might be. And they're like, oh, my god, they're posting that on social media. They're tagging their agent, they're tagging all this stuff, which is fantastic. So that helps the agent in a bazillion different ways. Because if somebody asked that person, hey, who do I use? I'm looking at selling my house, it's worth a bazillion dollars. They're gonna say, Oh, my God, I have the best agent, they keep in contact with me every month. And I actually see their face or they have an assistant drop by whatever. And they've thought of me every single month. And you know, that is something I'm when people are talking about. Well, yeah, well, how often like quarterly? Or do I send something out like a pie at Thanksgiving? Yeah, you can do that. But again, consistency, if you're hitting these people every single month, I mean, that speaks volumes and people remember, and then they're keeping the little funny tags. And you know, that's one thing we do with Connect social pop, is we provide you with a tag every single month, we come up with what your pot buyers, we come up with the saying we have links to Amazon to buy the actual products, we have cheap products, we have expensive products, you know, it just depends on what you want your budget to be. And you don't have to go crazy. Some people think, Oh, God, I have to get a plant and a planter and all this shit. And you do not have to, like you said, you can drop by a seed packet, like planting a seed, blah, blah, blah and coffee or some stupid thing to say, but hey, you did it, you actually stop by and you're right. It's not even about the gift or the little, you know, gift that you're giving them. It's nothing about that. Same with social media. Same with direct mail, it really doesn't totally matter what you're saying. You have to be out there.

So are you going to lady's married? We're both married. Okay, so when your husband what would you rather have split into different ways get out of real estate? What would you rather have a letter a note on the kitchen counter before your husband leaves letting you know about a special night he planned out for you thought signed by him in a surprise, TBD? Or would you rather have a new vacuum cleaner all day? Even if not, I mean, vacuum cleaners get a better gift. It could be a frickin necklace. It could be a ring. Sometimes it's the thought that counts that people really care. So it's not the cost of the gift. Right? You know, you don't have to buy someone a frickin $500 purse to get their appreciation. You just need to make her show show that you care.

It's you know, that's so true. I'm glad you bring that up. This morning. I went outside and I'm watering the flowers and I go to the big flower beds and I'm watering them and I looked down I see two little garden gnomes that were not there yesterday. And they're naked garden gnomes like laying there and the boobs are out and the penises out I'm like, oh like what and my husband bought them online and just put them in my little flower garden and didn't say a word. And so I just kind of came across him I'm like, Oh, look at that he thought of me. But that's the same theme reality as what a pot buyers they thought of me. Most

agents like don't keep it it's like 80% of homebuyers forget their agents name and like six months. And I we try to tell people every day is you don't you sell someone a house. Congratulations. Like you spike the football when you sell them the third house or generate your 10th referral from that same client. That's when you spike the football not after you get paid your measly $5,000 because each relationship should be valued at a minimum of 25 to $30,000. Because average personal by three to five houses over the course of their lifetime. NET doesn't take into account how many people that can refer you to. So you don't need a large audience either. So people are most surprised when They really start just firing me in their database with content, which is what we're talking about through multiple channels, because every single one of them have the ability to offer you a deal. The mindset shift that agents have, they go like this, oh, well, that person lives 45 minutes away from me. So I'm not going to, I'm not going to market them, or stay in front of them. That's so short sighted that person has family and friends in your market, you don't market and stay in front of your peeps, for their direct business. It's nice when you get it, you do it for their fucking referrals. And then you get their direct business as a byproduct of that. If you switch your mindset, and you start marketing for referrals, it's different. You stop thinking about what you're sending. And when you start, think about why you're sending it because it's all about Hey, help send me business, you have to become more referral. How do you answer agents? I'm not a brand. I'm a fucking person. I'm not a brand. How do I can't market myself? That's annoying. That's what everyone says.

When they start saying shit like that, you know, we start. Everybody has something special about them. I don't mean to be generic over here. But really, I mean, when when you start digging down and saying, Oh, you were in the military, or Oh, you were a single mom that was doing it all yourself for years, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, every life experience that you went through is a different way to market yourself. Do you want to be the divorce attorney or the divorce real estate agent? Shit, maybe you don't have to be but you could be, you know, it's all these different little niches that you can get into that people don't realize, like, Oh, I play softball, or I do baseball every Thursday afternoon, or whatever it might be. Guess what, those are all niches of categories that you can totally market to.

We had a guy's branding his strategy yesterday for video strategy. And he's probably on the show. So hope you don't mind me giving this example. But it's it's clearly explicitly stated, I can use you as an example anytime I want. But so excuse me, um, so he's in the golf. Okay, he's in the golf. That's what he does. He's in Winston Salem area. And we've come up with a video show. So I like to build a show for people in the show becomes an excuse to tell people what the fuck they do for a living. But they have to do it in their way. So I know he's on the golf. Right. I also knows that he raises funds, fundraisers, he raises, he helps people who are less fortunate. So he's a good guy. I also know that he shares a story about how he used to be an alcoholic, and he came over it. Every single one of those are represented by one word, it was called drive, the name of his market, the geographic areas called triage. So we ended up coming up with a show called driving triage. And now he could talk about the three things like you mentioned, in the street, things are going to be golf tours, because that's what he likes to do where else business comes from. fundraiser activities, who drives fundraiser drives, and then the community because it's very spread out. So there's a drive to each a different location. And the tree has three different cities. So we already have his branding strategy. The point being is that he'll never run out of things to say, but each time he'll be saying it in his way. Because he's created an excuse and a strategy to go out there and remind people of his story of who he is. And best part of it, he's excited about doing it. So you have to know you have to dial in your brand. And know how you communicate because you can't just check a box off it right. You can't just be like, Oh, you can't borrow someone else's. What's the most agents do with their brokerage? That's why it falls on deaf ears. So how does someone identify what should I talk about? Well, yeah, I'm a mom. I'm a dad. I'm a dude. What do you what do you pick? You know, that's part is part people have when we meet with them, it's the same thing. So how do you guys overcome that?

Yeah, so it's really digging down? What do you like? Like, I can look down and say, What do I like to do? Well, I like to drink a lot of wine. Okay, and this isn't like, Oh, I'm a housewife. And I drink wine to cool down at the end of the night. Like, I love wine. What do I eat with wine? What do I do? You know, it's I cook with wine. Usually, you know, I'm drinking it. I'm pouring it in, as I'm, you know, doing all that stuff. So it's what are your interests? What do you like to do? What did you want to be when you were growing up? Where did you excel in high school? You know, there's all these other things of what are your interests? What do you like to move? You know, you can dig

that. Let's take the one thing. Let's give some examples. So let's do one thing. So here could be something like content post. Maybe. Maybe if you like wine, you have two bottles of wine in your post, and one is a Boxed Wine. And then one is a $40 bottle. Well, selling your house with a flat fee brokerage is like drinking this Boxed Wine. And the other ones. Yeah, I mean, I could use wine as a comparison. Yep. Well, yeah. Like there's so many different ways people that you guys can go ahead and do it, but she's right. You pick your interest, and just create content around it because it's just an analogy.

Right and to make it fun, like you said, Like you shouldn't hate what you're doing or like, oh, should I have to do another post? Or, oh, I have to think of something new or whatever it might be like you should have, I don't know some personality about it.

Yeah, you have to otherwise it just doesn't work. You can't create content to check a box, you have to create content that creates impact. And that people actually like will respond to, that's why no one ever noticed when people post just listed just sold, it's like the only people commenting or like the mortgage broker trying to get their business. The title rep wants them to close up their office, and then the ESP broker was trying to recruit them. Oh, yeah, the other burger trying to recruit them. It's never it never fails. Well, that's because you're creating, you're only speaking to those people.

Yeah, yeah. And, you know, the only contrary to that is if they are doing the videos, if they're doing all the things that we've all suggested here today. And they do it just listed or just sold. And then they have a ton of people commenting and stuff like that, because they've built their brand on not just generic stuff on not just video and not just one thing or the other. They've hit them from every angle from showing up at their work and dropping by a Popeye, to direct mail, to social media to doing all that stuff. That's when all of the engagement happens when you're doing it right doing all the things.

What if you're like a mom, and instead of like going in front of a whiteboard and telling me about closing costs, why don't you teach your kid about closing costs and dumb it down so much that even he understands. And at the end of the day, you could be like, see, that was so simple, even a five year old can understand it. If you really want a simpler way of doing real estate, why don't you reach out to me, and I'll make it easy on you something like that. Like it just you could sell your stuff. As long as you do it through your authentic voice and your brand. No one will care. Right? It's when they feel like you're gonna use car salesmen like personality type attitude and your slick suit. that people are like, Oh, that's sort of gross.

Right, right. And, you know, you can put the different spins on it. Like, you know, we always talk about, oh, what does escrow mean? So we have a client right now, and she's bilingual. So she speaks English in Spanish. So we were having a meeting with her and I said, Well, how do you say escrow in Spanish? She goes, escrow?

I was like, well, that could be a video. Today, I'm gonna teach you how to say Oscar in Spanish due to escrow? rolling. That's funny. That could be it. That's the video right there.

And that, and that is one of her three things is she's a bilingual real estate agent. So that's awesome. And that's how it niches down a little bit.

Totally, she could just really go through real estate terminology, English and espanol. Like any other closing thoughts, you guys want to mention that we cover it all? Anything else that you think that our users or listeners can benefit from here?

Well, you know, we've covered social media. And then we've covered pop buys, and direct mail and all that other stuff. Sophia, do you want to talk about the importance, the importance of a website? Yeah, sure.

Let's, let's talk a little bit about that. And, and like, I think you touched on it earlier, too, if you're looking at two different real estate agents appears like my two best, and one is looking way more fresh online and the other one, you're probably going to go with one that's more professional, I mean, a lot of these home buying. So this is some of the biggest, you know, events that are going on people's lives you want some you can really, really trust. So having an online website, what we found is sometimes that agents will get a website, but it's all do it yourself, and then they never end up building it right. Or you don't want to learn the technology behind it. Because you have all these things you get to do for all these real estate homes, right. So these websites are really nice, it gets you more professional, it's not just your social media platforms, it's a whole new way to have, it's almost like a little online resume. It's all about you as your bio, it's not from Zillow, or anywhere else. And as I said, we do, we can connect MLS services to it, which is fantastic. They update every three minutes. They're amazing. But even more so than that, which I think works directly into all the different social media platforms that came in from all angles, is that we have a spot on there for testimonials. And this is not just to put your testimonials on there. But where you want them to review you do you want them to lead on Facebook or on your Google page or on your Zillow page or on your page, wherever you want it. We're going to keep asking for those testimonials over and over and over again, because we found number one, of course, the referral based business, but they want to see new referrals, they want to see fresh referrals, they want to see it regularly. And Google is also starting to index all of these testimonials as well. So we kind of have that main spot where it's a quick link, you can send someone a quick link, they have access to every one of your review channels to make sure that you're seeing at the top.

Yeah, no one goes to your website look for properties for sale. They do like they're just stumbling there, but they're not like, like, I don't I just don't get it. Like, I'm gonna go to Zillow for that, like, why are we gonna even try to compete against Zillow and that sounds like they just I mean, this is a multi billion dollar company like trust me, their UI and their website is very nice for a reason, because they state so you're not going to compete against them where you will compete is through personal relationship. So I don't think people need really need IDs on site. Some people prefer to use them and have some SEO advantages if you really know what you're doing but overall, I don't think it matters to be honest with you. I think it's more important just to have your face on the site and video on it show demonstrating your likeable more than anything, I think.

Yeah, in a centralized place to no place all your social media Did you have all of your phone number and your most up to date email address on there. So you have just one spot online where you know that everything is going to be congruent with your entire brand.

So yeah, I agree. I think you have to have a website if you haven't on any online presence, but you always have to link back to your site to we got so you guys are doing a visit my site like it's your business card today. That's exactly what we call it actually. It's so funny. We're in sync, it's called ESP. I appreciate the tips today. I think you know if you guys have any more questions and or whatnot, what I'm going to do is let these ladies tell you how to find them. But I want you guys go ahead and do that.

Yeah, absolutely. You can find us all online Connect social pop calm exactly as it spelled, especially as it sounds. If you also want a free seven day trial, which is really cool. You can just type in the word dude, because obviously this is the best show ever to get your real word Do you get a free seven day trial to make sure it's gonna work for you make sure it's going to serve you serve your platforms. That's the best way to find his next social pop calm.

Cool. Well, we appreciate you guys appreciate your insight. We appreciate you guys listening another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast if you need any help creating and building your brand, specifically with video, let us script that and distribute your content for you. So only one way you really stand out as for your personal brand in this business because the truth is you guys are all selling the same fuckin MLS listings that everybody else has, the only thing that they remember versus you versus your competition is how you do business, not what you do. So that's what we'd like to help you with. You can visit us at real estate marketing real estate marketing dude, calm and ladies, we appreciate you guys. Thanks for coming on. And thank you for listening. Connect with us on social facebook youtube, I'll eventually get my tik tok going but until then, find me on the main channels YouTube IGN Facebook and visit our website www dot real estate marketing we'll see you guys next week's episode. Have a good day. Thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our website at www dot real estate marketing we make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule a time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We'll see you next time.