Grapevine Church Podcast

Grapevine Church Podcast

Latest Episodes

The Beautiful Triune God
February 16, 2020

Being a Triune God is what sets our God a part from all others. He is a Father from eternity and therefore His Son is eternal. The Godhead loves from eternity and has no need in Himself for us to love Him!

Psalm 19
February 09, 2020

God speaks to us through His creation! When we look at the universe and the greatness of the Creator it causes us to praise Him. Psalm 19 encourages us to meditate on God, His works and His Word.

Calling for a House of Healing
February 02, 2020

The sign for healing in the Old Testament was a serpent on a pole, commanded by God and made by Moses. What was the significance of this and what does it mean for us if we want to see more healings? An encouragement to exalt Jesus and humble ourselves.

Six of Seven Seals - Revelation Part 10
January 26, 2020

In Revelation Chapter 6 six seals are opened. The beginning of God's judgement is released on the earth. 

Identity Crisis?
January 19, 2020

Today many struggle with their identity. For the believer it is even more important to know who we are in Jesus. So...who am I in relation to Jesus, the future, other believers and the things I can't control?

January 12, 2020

It is time to take time! We can so easily be distracted but God wants to give us tender hearts towards Him before anything else. His Word should be like a hammer, water and a sword to our hearts. Want to know more? Listen to the podcast!

The God Who Sees
January 05, 2020

God does not sleep or slumber. He sees everything even when we think our problems are too small. God's timing is perfect...He watches over all our ways and acts.

Exploring the Psalms - Part 3
December 29, 2019

The conclusion of the genres of the Psalms. Looking at the Psalms of Kingship, Remembrance and Wisdom

The Messiah
December 15, 2019

Jesus is the "I Am" all the way through! When we get to know Him we get to know the Bread of Life, the Light of the World, the Good Shepherd, the Anointed King and so much more.

The Throne Room of God- Revelation Part 9
December 08, 2019

Imagery in Revelation 4 and 5