The 2 Minute Word
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Can You Control Your Tongue?
James 3:3-9 MSG Subscribe to the 2 Minute Word today. The 2 Minute Word is sponsored in part from listeners like you from donations from
Why do we say Amen?
Jeremiah 11:5 AMP What is the meaning of the word Amen? And why do we say it at the end of every prayer. Is it only the signal that one has completed the prayer? You are hungry and the food looks great and smells so good. The smell of the fried chi
Fix your Mind on God
Romans 12:1 MSG Let God be your focus. Start your day asking God "what do you want me to do today Lord?" When we give ourselves as vessels for God, we allow Him to use us in extraordinary ways. It will change your life. Tris No H Peace
Put Some Folk Out
Mark 5:40 NIV “He put them all out...” After Jesus put the folk out He immediately healed the child. Accomplished the goal. Your goal may just need you to put some folk out of your life, the ones that are laughing at your goal, the ones telling you th
Don't Give Up
Hebrews 10:35 NIV “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded” It is not an easy task holding on to your confidence. In other translations the word confidence is referred to as courage. “Hold on to your courage”, it says. It t
Humble is Not Weak
Proverbs 22:4 AMP There is nothing weak about being a Christian. As a Christian we must think before we react and that takes strength. It takes strength to walk away when we are being disrespected, strength when we are being falsely accused. Strength
Steering Wheel or Spare Tire?
Luke 11:9 GNB When I was just beginning my walk with Love I actually would not ask Him for the things I wanted. I can remember saying to myself that God has so many other people to worry about, why should I pile my needs on to all of that? I would eve
What Do You Want?
Luke 11:11 GNB God is waiting to answer you. Have you asked for what you want? Tris No H Love is a Verb
Walk it Like He Taught You
2 Corinthians 5:7 NIV Live by faith, not be sight. Pay no attention to the stuff on the side of the road of the journey to the end of your faith. Focus only on His promises. Love is a Verb Tris (no h)
Tested by a Ball of Rust
Galatians 6: 9 “So let us not become tired of doing good; for it if we do not give up, the time will come when we will reap the harvest”. After my divorce I was left with no car, no credit, little money and two kids that had so many commitments they