The 2 Minute Word

The 2 Minute Word

Steering Wheel or Spare Tire?

October 22, 2019

Luke 11:9 GNB

When I was just beginning my walk with Love I actually would not ask Him for the things I wanted. I can remember saying to myself that God has so many other people to worry about, why should I pile my needs on to all of that?

I would even think that He will love me more if I don’t bother Him with my requests, giving Him more time to provide for others who had a bigger need. Then it occurred to me, one day as I was asking Siri to navigate me to the other side of town, that I actually was asking Siri for more directions than God. LOL

Day after day, I was asking SIRI, to take me here take me there. Letting SIRI be a steering wheel. I was just holding on turning as SIRI said.

Heck that is how my ride with God should be. When I ask God to take me here in my life, and there and better than SIRI God would say Turn left, turn right, take this class, associate with this person, don’t go to that place, and bam before long I would arrive at my destination.

In the word it says that God flung worlds into existence, and yet He always hears me when I pray. I decided that if He is always listening then I just aught to always be asking, thanking, praying. I needed God to be my steering wheel, not the spare tire.

Think about it, the steering wheel is responsible 100% of the time for where the car is going. The spare tire gets action once in a while, only when something bad has happened.

I love God being my steering wheel, allowing me to just hold, be obedient turning as He says turn as He takes me to the places in life that fulfill His purpose in me. So, fam is God your Steering wheel or your spare tire.

This is Tris No H telling you to make God your steering wheel.

All is well.
