222 Paranormal Podcast

222 Paranormal Podcast

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Do you play with dolls do they play back? Esp. 363
June 18, 2023

Please Hit Subscribe/Follow and give us a 5-Star rating and review. Why do dolls get haunted? Why are they so popular with the spirits? And why does every haunted location have a doll in it? Liste

Hauntings ghost and spooky things with Matt Slys the radio guy Esp. 362
June 11, 2023

Please click Subscribe/Follow, and give us a 5-Star rating. Today's episode we get a paranormal update from 111 Paranormal's Matt Sly~ We catch up with Matt at Ohio State Reformatory, Mansfield

Jason McLeod Demonologist and Investigator eps. 361
June 04, 2023

Please Click Subscribe/Follow and give us a 5-star rating. Your support is appreciated!! Jason McLeod is a paranormal investigator, spiritualist, and empath. He has spent the last 28 years helping

Back to OSR with Ohio Metaphysics and Paranormal Research Eps. 360
May 28, 2023

Please Hit Subscribe/Follow and give us a 5 Star rating. In this week's episode, we return to the most haunted prison in Ohio. The Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield Ohio. Home of ParaPsyCon 302

Wolfinger Cemetery The Most Haunted in Ohio Eps. 359
May 21, 2023

Ghost Playing in the Park

The Black Knight Satellite Eps. 358
May 14, 2023

Have they been watching us?

Oceanic Cryptids, Monsters and Legends Esp. 357
May 07, 2023

Naked old fishmen Oh My!

Ghost Bait Courtney Buckley and G.G. from Sacred & Alone in Villisca Eps.356
April 30, 2023

Villisca Axe Murder House Possession

Paranormal Researcher and Author Nicole Strickland Eps. 355
April 23, 2023

Where are the ghost and is there an afterlife