Exponential Wisdom

Exponential Wisdom

Latest Episodes

Episode 132: The Right and Wrong Ways to Think About AI
July 12, 2023

Dan and Peter discuss the potential impacts of AI on society, including job creation and loss, the risk of malevolent use, and the possibility of a “post-truth” world. They express optimism about AI’s

Episode 131: If You Want To Be Optimistic, Bet On Yourself
June 11, 2023

What is it that helped the most successful leaders in the world reach that level? Mindset. Dan Sullivan and Peter Diamandis discuss the mindsets that helped carry them to where they are today, and the

Episode 130: Staying Cool and Calm
May 15, 2023

Technology is advancing at an exponential rate. Not only can it be difficult to keep up with what’s going on, the coming changes have a lot of people feeling scared and even angry. In this episode, Da

Episode 129: What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur
April 03, 2023

How do you define being an entrepreneur? How do you know if you are one, and what are the pros and cons of the entrepreneurial way of life? In this episode, lifelong entrepreneurs Dan Sullivan and Pet

Episode 128: Health Hacks For Entrepreneurs With Big Futures
February 05, 2023

Does your business plan include retiring? If so, you should be aware that you don’t need to have the end in mind. In fact, it’s better for your business and your life that you don’t plan to stop. Pete

Episode 127: ChatGPT And The Speed Of AI
January 24, 2023

There’s been a massive increase in AI advancement over the past five years, and this trend isn’t going to stop. In this episode, Peter Diamandis and Dan Sullivan discuss the current state of AI techno

Episode 126: The Future Of Education Systems
January 03, 2023

In education at the primary and secondary levels, parents are taking more and more responsibility for what their children are being taught. Dan and Peter discuss the current state of formal education

Episode 125: Major Tech Disruptions
December 13, 2022

When new technology comes along that is widely adopted, it causes a disruption to the way things are done. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Peter Diamandis explain what the “6 Ds of Exponentials” and

Episode 124: The Extraordinary Possibilities Of Age Reversal
November 07, 2022

We are beginning to understand more about aging, which means that the process can now be slowed down, stopped, or even reversed. It’s become a hot topic in science today—and a billion dollar industry.

Episode 123: The Future Of AI-Human Collaboration
October 18, 2022

Every so often, there are trends that entrepreneurs need to either pay attention and respond to, or else get left behind while others make exponential progress. Dan Sullivan and Peter Diamandis discus