The Secrets of Product Management Podcast

The Secrets of Product Management Podcast

Latest Episodes

145: Overcoming The Fear Of The Blank Page – Creative Blockbusters
July 06, 2023

Creativity and fear – daily realities for product managers We product managers are inventing stuff most of the time. Whether it’s new features, or designs, or go to market materials, or just making de

144: What Stories Can I Tell?
June 29, 2023

What stories can I tell? Everyone knows that “stories are fundamental tools of persuasion.” At least, that’s what everyone says. But what does it actually mean? It’s clear that they’re not just talkin

143: Sales Funnels For Product Managers
June 22, 2023

Why do product managers need to know about sales funnels? I’m not successful if my product doesn’t sell. And I’ve argued before on this podcast that I have a lot of influence – as a product manager –

142: Your Team Is Failing – What Do You Do?
June 15, 2023

“Your team is failing” This episode is inspired by a story a friend recently told me. In an interview, he got the question I used as the title, “Your team is failing. What do you do?” I thought, “Well

141: Russ Meek On (Over) Simplifying A Business Presentation
June 08, 2023

Russ Meek on (over) simplifying a business presentation My guest on this episode is Russ Meek, a product manager in the travel and hospitality industry. For many years he was with Sabre Corporation, f

140: Can You Learn Product Management From Bullet Points?
May 18, 2023

What’s the best way to learn product management? Can you learn product management from bullet points? Well. no. Or yes. Maybe? If you follow me or other product management people on LinkedIn, you know

139: Confidence and Authenticity and Saying “I Don’t Know”
May 04, 2023

Authenticity is great – if you can fake that, you’ve got it made! Confidence is often a big challenge for product managers, because so much of the time we are in the realm of uncertainty. But to be pe

138: How to Make an Impact As A Product Leader
April 18, 2023

How to Make an Impact As A Product Leader In this episode, how to accelerate your career growth by developing your leadership skills. Practical advice and actionable steps for product managers looking

137: (Rerun) Managing Your Cognitive Resources More Effectively
April 04, 2023

Managing Your Cognitive Resources To Be More Effective As a product manager, one of your most precious resources is your “cognitive storage tank.” It’s like a real fuel tank – when it’s exhausted,

136: How To Increase Your Luck Surface Area
March 28, 2023

​Increasing your luck surface area “Chance favors the prepared mind.” From Louis Pasteur, the famous 19th century biologist and biochemist. Having a “prepared mind” is one way to increase your luck su