Latin Mass Homeschool Family

Latin Mass Homeschool Family

Latest Episodes

Litany of the Holy Name in Gregorian Chant
March 11, 2023

More info, plus PDF sheet music here on my Kids Chant website:

There is no rose of such virtue
November 23, 2022

Quick video of a piece. Someone asked which tune we knew, so here it is.

Astra quae terram - Gregorian chant hymn to St Philomena in Latin
August 14, 2022

It was St Philomena's feast day 12 August. Someone requested me to sing a hymn to St Philomena in Latin. Sure enough there was a thread on the Musica Sacra forum about chant hymns for St Philomena and you can read the rest of the story, and download the P

Corda Pia Inflammantur - Hymn for St Francis - Gregorian chant
August 12, 2022

This is the leftover recording from my #100daysofchant challenge. You see, there's just too much Gregorian chant out there.

Ave Maria - Gregorian Chant mode 1
August 11, 2022

Day 100 of #100daysofchant  Well, this is the final installment. I hope you enjoyed the ride.

Da pacem Domine - grant peace, O Lord - short antiphon for Peace in our days
August 10, 2022

Day 99 of #100daysofchant  Da pacem Domine, in diebus nostris. Quia non est aliud qui pugnet pro nobis nisi tu Deus noster. Give peace, O Lord, in our days because there is no one else who will fight for us if not you, our God. https://newbookoldhymn

Virgo Dei Genitrix - the short hymn to Our Lady with the most elisions
August 09, 2022

Day 98 of #100daysofchant 1. Virgo Dei Genitrix, quem totus non capit orbis: In tua se clausit viscera factus homo. 1. O Virgin Mother of God, He Whom the whole world does not contain, enclosed Himself in thy womb, being made man. 2. Vera fides Geniti pur

Adoremus in Aeternum - responsary-ish hymn for the end of Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
August 08, 2022

Day 97 of #100daysofchant  Adoremus in aeternum, sanctissimum sacramentum. Let us adore forever the most Holy Sacrament (Jesus truly present under the appearance of bread) https://newbookoldhymns.brandt.i

Tantum Ergo - Such therefore a Sacrament, we venerate bowing down
August 07, 2022

Day 96 of #100daysofchant One webpage about this hymn - plus the PDF that I'm singing from: Another webpage on learning the Latin for Benediction, based on the Catholic's Latin Instructor by Fr Ca

O Salutaris Hostia - O saving Victim - penultimate verse of Verbum Supernum
August 06, 2022

Day 95 of #100daysofchant Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament is one of those old devotions that sometimes gets taken for granted, but seems to be a bit rarer than it should be. For learning the words, see this interactive page at Kids Chant: https://www
