Latin Mass Homeschool Family

Latin Mass Homeschool Family

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Little Office BVM Compline in Gregorian Chant with updated Psalm Tone
August 05, 2022

Day 94 of #100daysofchant  So close to finishing! For anyone new, I have been working on a course teaching people how to Sing the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Latin since 2020. Recently someone asked about the Psalm tone I was using fo

Illuxerunt coruscationes - Introit for the Transfiguration - Lightning!
August 04, 2022

Day 93 of #100daysofchant  The Introit for the feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord (6 August) ILLUXÉRUNT coruscatiónes, tuæ orbi terræ: commota est, et contrémuit terra. Ps. Quam dilécta tabernácula tua, Dómine virtútum! concupíscit, et déficit

Visionem quam vidistis - Communion antiphon for the Transfiguration
August 03, 2022

Day 92 of #100daysofchant  Visionem quam vidistis, nemini dixeritis, donec a mortuis resurgat Filius hominis. Tell the vision which you have seen to no man until the Son of Man is risen from the dead. or Television to no man. No TV. Dixit Dominus.

Another Quae est ista + Magnificat for the Catena Legionis Mariae - from Lauds of the Assumption
August 02, 2022

Day 91 of #100daysofchant  The visuals are pages 207 and 1600^4 from the Liber Usualis 1961. Here's my earlier version using a Communion Antiphon:

Vexilla Regis - Abroad the regal banners fly - Gregorian chant - sonorous Passiontide meditation
August 01, 2022

Day 90 of #100daysofchant  We sang this as an intermission procession for a production of The Man Born to Be King at the Great Hall in Sydney University. That was my introduction to it. The whole audience processed out after the Crucifixion, giving t

Sacris Solemniis - cool hymn to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
July 31, 2022

Day 89 of #100daysofchant This hymn is more famous for the last two verses: Panis Angelicus. More info

Salve Festa Dies - Cool chorus, tricky verses - Easter procession hymn - Hail festival day!
July 30, 2022

Day 88 of #100daysofchant  You guys probably all go to the Easter Vigil and sleep in on Easter Sunday, don't you? Well, some really cool stuff happens while you guys are all sleeping. Easter Sunday has this little known optional procession. Do you ne

Ubi Caritas est vera (with one slip into "et amor") Gregorian Chant
July 29, 2022

Day 87 of #100daysofchant  I went with the "est vera" version thinking that it would be the better version as the new books were using it - like the way some of the Pre-Urbanite versions of hymns were being revived. Unfortunately, this isn't the way

Stabat Mater - the easy hymn version - Our Lady of Sorrows by the Cross
July 28, 2022

Day 86 of #100daysofchant This one's a classic hymn to accompany the Stations of the Cross. The Latin is so brief and concise and beautiful. There's also a Sequence version with a bit more variety to the tune, but when I put together A New Book of Old Hym

Crux Fidelis - Faithful Cross - the 1962 Liber Usualis version
July 27, 2022

Day 85 of #100daysofchant   I love how the chorus repeats in two parts. Keeps you awake figuring out which chorus comes next. Also makes it a bit more interesting to sing along the chorus. And it is beautiful - recounting the story of Redemption from