1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

Latest Episodes

“The Power of Gratitude” with Michael Weinberger
August 22, 2016

Michael Weinberger was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at age 17 and for many years lived with instability, out of control emotions and upheaval as a result of his condition. Through therapy and his own desire, he put his life back on track using the...

“How to Lose Your Emotional Obesity” with Laura Coe
August 19, 2016

Our culture is emotionally obese.  We are unhappy, we are unfulfilled, we are resentful, and we harbor the emotional issues - from childhood till now - that keep us from achieving our dreams. Whether we know it or not. From selling her...

“Workouts for Your Emotional Health” with Laura Coe
August 18, 2016

Laura Coe says "Workouts for Your Wellbeing" are the key to staying in great emotional shape. And take heart, there’s no physical sweating required. We all have problems in our lives that we’d like to fix. But the first step to addressing those...

“The Truth About Authenticity” with Laura Coe
August 17, 2016

Laura Coe says our minds are a great tool for analyzing things, but often not good at telling us the truth. We all have certain people we look at and say, “Oh, man, they’ve got it together!” We project our fantasy to other people, believing they...

“How to Get Your Mind in Shape” with Laura Coe
August 16, 2016

Author Laura Coe teaches about how to take back your life and get your mind in shape. We live in a culture where, when we have limiting or negative thoughts, the typical response is, “Man up!” But she says it’s important for us to question the...

“Why You’re Stressed and Tired” with Laura Coe
August 15, 2016

Laura Coe says the stress in your life isn’t from lack of time, sleep, or organization, but from neglecting your emotional life. The thoughts in our head that most of us don’t pay much attention to can start to weigh us down. And when we say...

“Embracing and Telling Your Story” with Toan Lam
August 12, 2016

Everyone has a power. It comes in many forms: your talent (what you're naturally good at doing), resources or network. Everyone -- yes that means you -- was brought to Earth for a reason. It's up to you whether you use it. On today’s show, Dave...

“The Impact of Sharing Your Story” with Toan Lam
August 11, 2016

Toan Lam says we all have the gift of time, however short or long it may be, on this earth. And having unique experiences matters because everything we go through matters. Toan believes life is designed to challenge us so we can grow physically,...

“Communicate Your Story” with Toan Lam
August 10, 2016

Toan Lam believes we are all brought into this world with an extraordinary power, with something that makes us different and unique. Nobody will think and say things the way you will. Nobody else has your gifts. We all tell stories in a different way,...

“Identify Your Story” with Toan Lam
August 09, 2016

Toan Lam shows us how to identify and understand our unique story. Think about what makes you unique and different. If you don’t know, ask your friends, “What was it about me that ‘wowed’ you?” Anytime you are wowed, write it down. You’ll...