Houston's First Baptist Church
Latest Episodes
Major Truths From Minor Prophets: Micah
We studied the book of Micah, and Pastor Gregg taught us that living a life for God is one of action, encouraging us to do justice and put others in front of ourselves.
Major Truths from Minor Prophets: Jonah
Last Sunday, we studied the book of Jonah and how he ran from God. Pastor Gregg encouraged us that no matter where we are or what we have done, our God forgives and calls on us to run to Him.
Major Truths from Minor Prophets: Obadiah
Last Sunday, Pastor Gregg preached on the book of Obadiah. He taught us that there is a major problem with the sin of pride, and no matter how high we are, God is higher!
Major Truths from Minor Prophets: Amos
Last Sunday, Pastor Gregg preached on the book of Amos. We learned if our heart is right with God, He will use us for His glory right where we are, just as we are.
Major Truths from Minor Prophets: Hosea
Last Sunday, Pastor Gregg kicked off a new message series entitled: Major Truths From Minor Prophets. Preaching on Hosea, we learned that shame is not the end of our story; repentance can change how o
The Essential Attributes of a Godly Minister
We gathered to celebrate 20 years of Pastor Gregg & Team Matte with a special message from 1 Thessalonians by Ben Stuart of Passion City Church in Washington, D.C.
Let's Chat About Passion
In Sunday's message, Pastor Gregg preached about a Passion to Serve, studying 1 Corinthians 12, 1-12. He discussed spiritual gifts and taught us that we are each blessed with these God-given abil
Let's Chat About Mental Health
Pastor Gregg continued our "Let's Chat" series, focusing this week on mental health. His sermon focused on 1 Kings 18 & 19 as he encouraged us that we are loved, hope can be found a