Close Encounters With My Inner Child

Close Encounters With My Inner Child

Latest Episodes

April 25, 2021

I will share what had my adult & inner child going in separate directions. I will share a close encounter my adult had with her inner child while using the Emotional Freedom Technique. I will identify roots of her inability to finish another podcast & pub

It’s Not Fair
February 22, 2021

In this episode I will share how recent political events triggered my inner child. I will share true stories from adulthood & childhood and how this impacted her adult & her husband of 36 years. I will share resources that facilitate healing.

Inside Out
January 21, 2021

I will share healing moments between my adult, inner child, inner teen & inner young adult that have occurred as a result of Pelvic Floor therapy. I will share healing resources that have helped me & give examples of how my outer world reflects my outer w

He Loves Me Not. He Loves me!
August 12, 2020

I will share what contributed to my inner child’s belief that she was unlovable, how it impacted my adult in her marriage to the same man for 36 years, what we did to heal this erroneous belief & the positive impact this had on the quality of our marriage

Identify * Reframe *Integrate
June 09, 2020

In these podcasts I articulate stories about childhood and adult experiences. I connect the dots between the child’s life experiences and core beliefs and feelings that creat them in my adult life. I share holistic healing resources and practices that hel