Profit First for Lawyers

Profit First for Lawyers

Latest Episodes

How To Hire (And Keep) A Superstar Staff
July 25, 2024

This episode offers a roadmap for transforming your law firm into an A-plus business that attracts and retains A-plus talent.

So You’re Looking To Hire Some Staff…
July 23, 2024

A practical and actionable look at the critical aspects of hiring, training, and managing your law firm's staff.

Law Firm Pitfalls and Solutions
June 27, 2024

Discover the common pitfalls law firm owners face and solutions to overcome them. This bonus episode of Profit First For Lawyers offers actionable advice to grow your law firm.

The Lawyer Millionaire
May 16, 2024

RJon drills into the driving force behind why he wrote the book Profit First for Lawyers on The Lawyer Millionaire podcast hosted by Darren Wurz.

Subconscious Sabotage
May 14, 2024

In the final part of our four-part series on sales, RJon explains how our subconscious can interfere with sales. We also recap the 10 sales mindset obstacles.

G.A.S Calls: How To Sell Legal Services To Repeat Clients
May 09, 2024

By consistently showing clients that you care, you stay top of mind and increase the likelihood of future business and referrals.

Finding Your Target Audience
April 30, 2024

First identify your ideal client, then focus on marketing fundamentals to attract them to your law firm. Track marketing data to stay on course.

Simplifying The 7 Main Parts of Every Law Firm
April 23, 2024

The principles of building a successful law firm are simple and predictable. Yet many law firm owners believe success is "for someone else." Not true.

Create A Business Plan To Maximize Your Profits
April 11, 2024

Remove the barriers to building your business plan with a simple and strategic process.

Why You Need A Business Plan
April 09, 2024

A well-crafted business plan outlines how your law firm sustains itself without you and serves its clients, your family, and yourself.