Profit First for Lawyers

Profit First for Lawyers

Finding Your Target Audience

April 30, 2024

In this episode, we hear a clip from a marketing interview RJon did with Draye Redfern from the Daniels-Head Insurance Agency (DHIA), one of a 12-part webinar series. The concepts and strategies RJon shares are time-tested and can help law firm owners increase their ROI while making better use of their marketing budget.

The Importance of Fundamentals Over Trends

RJon talks about why focusing on marketing fundamentals like Direct Response Marketing are instrumental in building your business. Even when new trends or technology are gaining momentum, he advises against getting swept away (and distracted) from your core messaging and ideal client avatar. Instead he suggests testing out the latest marketing trends while maintaining proven marketing.

Is Your Marketing Agency Asking The Right Questions?

When working with marketing agencies, small law firm owners need the ability to track and measure all marketing dollars. RJon points out that some marketing agencies fail to ask crucial questions about your target audience, ideal client, and the law firm’s unique value proposition. This approach can lead to unpredictable, unsatisfactory, and costly results.

Key Takeaways

  • Build your marketing based on fundamentals, not just trends and technology
  • Get clear on your message: Identify who you’re helping, why you’re helping them, and how you’ll make their life better
  • Focus on attracting and nurturing relationships with your ideal clients
  • Work with marketing agencies that track and measure marketing campaigns and prioritize strategy over tactics

Links Mentioned

Full Marketing Webinar on DHIA Website

Profit First for Lawyers Resources

How To MANAGE a Small Law Firm

Connect & Engage
