Profit First for Lawyers

Profit First for Lawyers

Profit In All Areas of Your Life

November 23, 2023

As we approach the end of the season, we look back on RJon’s promise to readers of his book Profit First For Lawyers.

If you implement what I’m going to be sharing with you in this book, your law firm will definitely become more profitable.”

RJon Robins, Profit First For Lawyers, Chapter 1

Personal Impact and Professional Benefits

In this episode, Karli speaks with law firm owners who share personal and professional results after implementing Profit First. We hear from lawyers new to Profit First and lawyers who have followed Profit First principles for years.

Personally, many saw profits accumulate into substantial savings. Others took dream trips or were able to profitably transition to remote work so they could spend more meaningful time with family.

Professionally, featured lawyers grew revenues exponentially in months or saw consistent monthly profits after years of breaking even. A few shared how this newfound profitability has given them more confidence and peace of mind. All shared how Profit First changed both their business and personal lives.

To see each of the lawyers featured in this episode visit our podcast on YouTube.

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And most importantly, order your copy of Profit First for Lawyers today!