Profit First for Lawyers

Profit First for Lawyers

Just Grow Up

November 16, 2023

In this episode, we have a candid conversation with Marie Drake who shares the story behind why she became a lawyer, her family law practice, and her “No B.S. Divorce” model. She also talks about how a colleague’s drastic transformation led Marie to attend a Live Quarterly Meeting and join How To Manage A Small Law Firm four years ago. Marie has embraced Profit First and found RJon’s win-win model works well within her law firm. She advises young lawyers to explore several specialties before selecting one practice area.

RJon in the Studio

RJon talks about why being profitable professionally and personally is equally important as being profitable financially. He shares the story of “boat days” which produced invaluable business insight and personal satisfaction despite there being more lucrative ways to spend four days. RJon contends that the value he received far outweighed what he would have earned speaking on stages or hosting a workshop. Which illustrates his model of alignment between professional, personal, and financial success.

Resources & Links

Oscar Ferenczi: Ep 28 Does Your Accountant Have An Entrepreneurial Mindset?

The Power of TED by David Emerald

Connect and Engage

And most importantly, order your copy of Profit First for Lawyers today!