Profit First for Lawyers

Profit First for Lawyers

Face Your Fears

October 31, 2023

Fear and self-doubt can prevent us from achieving our biggest dreams and reaching our fullest potential. In this special Halloween episode of the Profit First For Lawyers podcast, Karli and Raul discuss how to face fears, unmask ego, and breakthrough limiting beliefs.

Key Insights from RJon

Their conversation revolves around a clip from a Facebook Live in 2021 of RJon talking through an early draft of the Profit First For Lawyers book. In the clip, RJon challenges the assumption that running a highly profitable law firm requires extreme luck or privilege. He asserts that if instead of making excuses, struggling lawyers spent time with highly successful lawyers they would realize the only difference is the choices made – choices struggling lawyers can also make.

Actionable Insights
  • Examine what is holding you back and be honest about the “why”.
  • Focus on making incremental progress rather than huge leaps.
  • Reframe success and give yourself permission to “fail”.

Tune into this episode of Profit First For Lawyers to discover how you can unmask the fears holding you back.

Connect and Engage

And most importantly, order your copy of Profit First for Lawyers today!

Your future self will thank you!

Listen to past episodes with Raul Longoria: Killing Your Ego | The Power of Boundaries

Resources mentioned:

Additional information on the Dunning-Krueger Effect can be found in the Killing Your Ego episode.

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