Profit First for Lawyers

Profit First for Lawyers

The CPA’s Oath: What Every Law Firm Owner Should Know

October 05, 2023

In this episode, we explore the differences between the oaths and responsibilities lawyers and CPAs have to their clients. Discover what sets them apart and the case for finding a CPA who will advocate for your law firm.

RJon in the Studio

To gain insight into the core tenants and motivations of professionals such as CPAs or attorneys, RJon examines their respective oaths. One distinction is that an attorney pledges to zealously advocate for their client’s best interest while a CPA’s oath emphasizes serving the broader public interest.

Lightbulb Moment

Larry Brown (previously featured in episode twenty-four) is back to shed light on the public interest focus of CPAs. Wearing the hats of both CPA and attorney, Larry discusses the benefits of offering CPA services while advocating for client interests as a tax strategist. With his dual backgrounds in accounting and law, Larry Brown presents a singular view on the responsibilities inherent in each profession.

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