Profit First for Lawyers

Profit First for Lawyers

From Expense to Investment: Uncovering the Purpose

October 03, 2023

In this episode we look at the difference between costs associated with an expense and an investment.   Something may seem expensive, but if it helps you achieve your goals, it’s likely an investment not just an expense.

Mindset Shift = Peace of Mind

Delisi Friday, returns to discuss how one piece of RJon’s actionable advice encouraged her to challenge her mindset and cultural norms. She shares how what was once considered an expense is now a valuable investment in more quality time with her daughter, reduced daily stress, and more joy in her life overall.  

RJon in the Studio:

RJon reveals why expenses aren’t inherently bad or to be avoided. He explains that just because something costs money does not inherently make it expensive. On the contrary, certain expenses allow you to strategically reinvest in your business and personal goals. The key context is ensuring these costs truly align with and serve your short and long-term goals.

Karli’s Biggest Bonus Surprise

We hear the hilarious (and heartfelt) backstory behind Karli’s extravagant bonus gift which came out of a conversation during a book marketing meeting earlier this year.

After the overwhelming success of the Profit First For Lawyers book launch, RJon surprised Karli with her dream bathroom appliance. Delisi shares the many discussions she had with RJon regarding this particularly unique bonus and the planning which went into turning Karli’s dream into a reality.  

We also hear a humorous clip from the recording studio when this particular bonus was discussed in great detail. Though unconventional, this thoughtful gift illustrates the importance of listening, investing in, and celebrating team members who achieve key goals. Have a tissue on hand, because this episode will have you laughing and perhaps even shedding a tear or two. 

Connect and Engage

And most importantly, order your copy of Profit First for Lawyers today!

Your future self will thank you!

Listen to Delisi in episode eight: Procrastination & Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor