Profit First for Lawyers

Profit First for Lawyers

TL;DR Recap – The 7 Parts of Every Successful Law Firm

September 21, 2023

Over the past few weeks RJon Robins has shared key insights about the 7 Parts of Every Successful Law Firm…which also happen to be the same for every unsuccessful law firm. In this episode we combine all seven of RJon’s teachings into one single recap show.. If you’ve already heard the full episodes, consider this a focused refresher. If you’ve been waiting for the series completion to binge listen, this is the exact episode you’ve been waiting to hear.

Key Takeaways
  • Marketing attracts right fit clients and repels wrong fit clients.
  • Sales is a service you do for clients by providing clarity and options.
  • Production is consistent and reliable when documentation, systems, and processes are in place.
  • Engineer jobs to be mutually profitable. Detailed (and accurate) job description along with measurement, and metrics make it easier to manage People effectively.
  • A right-sized Physical Plant ensures employees have the right tools and resources to do their jobs.
  • Money & Metrics/Financial Controls can be easily understood and monitored through the use of KPIs and dashboards.
  • Your law firm is meant to work for You and Your Goals. You are the farmer, your law firm is the mule. It works for you, not the other way around.

Resources Mentioned

Your Business Plan Workbook

Connect & Engage

And most importantly, order your copy of Profit First for Lawyers today!

Your future self will thank you!

Links to episodes in the series:

Part One: Marketing | Part Two: Sales | Part Three: Production 

Part Four: People  | Part Five: Physical Plant Part SixMoney & Metrics | Part Seven: You & Your Goals