Profit First for Lawyers

Profit First for Lawyers

The 7 Parts of Every Successful Law Firm: Part 7 – YOU!

September 14, 2023

We wrap up our series exploring the seventh and final part of every successful law firm with a focus on you, the law firm owner!

>> Listen to previous episodes in the series <<

Part One: Marketing | Part Two: Sales | Part Three: Production 

Part Four: People  | Part Five: Physical Plant | Part Six: Money & Metrics

Tea Time with Karli

The pressure is on! After several unsuccessful recording sessions (and subsequent rewrites), Karli throws out the script. It is the last possible day to record Chapter 5 and even with the nearby flight school planes flying overhead, it’s go time!

RJon in the Studio

Your law firm is many things, but one thing it isn’t is your baby. RJon explains why you, the owner, are actually the most critical part of all seven parts. Your goals and priorities dictate whether the other parts of your business serve you or if you serve your business.

Connect & Engage

And most importantly, order your copy of Profit First for Lawyers today!

Your future self will thank you!