Profit First for Lawyers

Profit First for Lawyers

The 7 Parts of Every Successful Law Firm: Part 3 – Production

August 17, 2023

We continue our series exploring the 7 Main Parts of Every Successful Law Firm. In part 3, the focus shifts to production – more specifically the systems, processes, and procedures of a successful law firm.

Profit First For Lawyers: The 7 Main Parts of Every Successful Law Firm: Part 3 - Production graphic.   The production icon is three gears in a dark circle.

>> Listen to previous episodes in the series: Part One: Marketing | Part Two: Sales <<

Tea Time with Karli

Karli shares more behind-the-scenes moments recording the audiobook. After another day spent struggling with Chapter 5, RJon asks her to recreate it from old transcripts. Will attempt #3 be the one? Listen in to find out for yourself. 

In the Studio

In this excerpt from the Profit First For Lawyers audiobook, RJon emphasizes the importance of documenting procedures, investing in training, and holding staff accountable through tracking, measurement, and performance indicators.

From the Cutting Room Floor

RJon expands further by explaining why documented procedures allows law firms to hire good people and get great performance out of them. There is no need for “purple unicorns” when terrific procedures are in place.

The Series Continues

Join us in episode 15 to hear more key insights from RJon Robins in the fourth part of the series. In the meantime, we invite you to:

And most importantly, order your copy of the Profit First For Lawyers book today. Your future self will thank you!