The Bitcoin Muse

The Bitcoin Muse

MADEX | A strident call to arms for fast-tracking the hard money Renaissance | #008

July 17, 2023

"Everything on this earth that we can possibly produce requires an artist—someone who can look behind the curtain and see beyond the veil and can bring that godly energy into our world." — MADEX

Today we drop a match into the can of turpentine that is, MADEX, an artist of some renown in bitcoin circles. His layered paintings and original script share the space with his deep convictions, valuable insights, informed opinions, and his grand and passionate plans. I’m honored to have had a chance to speak with and listen to MADEX in this tour de force of complex ideas, rarely expressed.

My understanding is he hasn’t made too many podcast appearances so I’m grateful to The Bitcoin Path and 21ism for their prior interviews and helping me to prepare my thoughts and questions. Little did I know, it wouldn’t take much to get him going! He layers his thoughts like he does his paintings and the end result is a richer understanding of the man, the world and the possibilities for artistic endeavor open to all of us.

Standard fare on the value for value front. Ideally, you can listen to this on Fountain or Breez then stream or boost some sats this way. It’s greatly appreciated and validating of my efforts. Also, 10% of all sets received help @OpenSats do their thing for free and open-source projects. Otherwise, please rate and subscribe on your app of choice and spread the word to those you think would enjoy what I’m doing here. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this 90 minute rip with MADEX.

Guest Links:


Twitter Feed: @SPACEBULL

Instagram: @mvdex

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Mentioned in the Episode:

The Bitcoin Path podcast interview with MADEX

21ism podcast interview with MADEX

Nine Inch Nails' "The Hand that Feeds"

Bull Bitcoin

Frank Lloyd Wright

The Fountainhead

Zack Snyder's The Fountainhead delayed

Atlas Shrugged

Ayn Rand Institute

The Sovereign Individual

Snow Crash

Socialism by Ludwig Mises

I, Pencil by Leonard E. Read

Pacific Bitcoin Festival

Bit Block Boom

Baltic Honeybadger Conference

Julian Figueroa @kinetic_finance

The Cultural Tudor - Areopagus Volume LII

and most importantly...

The Tonka Learjet

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Music by Brandt Enos

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The Bitcoin Muse

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