The Bitcoin Muse

The Bitcoin Muse

Latest Episodes

JURE KASTELIC | Painting a Bitcoin Mythology | #024
November 12, 2023

Painting a Bitcoin Mythology

MICHAEL GAMBINO | A friend and creative polymath discuss creativity and Bitcoin in-person | #023
October 29, 2023

A friend and creative polymath discuss creativity and Bitcoin in-person

WORLD OF RUSTY | A graphic artist deciphers the world of Bitcoin memes | #022
October 21, 2023

An accomplished Photoshop artist deciphers the world of Bitcoin memes

MOOZI | A avowed maximalist trains his own AI models to evoke a Bitcoin ethos | #021
October 15, 2023

A avowed maximalist trains his own AI models to evoke a Bitcoin ethos

ROGER 9000 | Ruminations on music, meaning, metaphysics and making chocolate | #018
September 24, 2023

Ruminations on music, meaning, metaphysics and making chocolate

CHRIS TRAMOUNT from SCARCE CITY | Building a Bitcoin Art Marketplace | #017
September 17, 2023

Building a Bitcoin Art Marketplace.

CYBER | A passionate bitcoiner is inspired to take his message to the streets | #016
September 10, 2023

A passionate bitcoiner is inspired to take his message to the streets.