A Whole Lotta Shift

A Whole Lotta Shift

Latest Episodes

Starting an Online Business from Scratch | Angela Hall
February 20, 2023

Angela Hall took the plunge in starting her online business after she experienced a health setback that made it hard for her to work regular jobs. Join Angela and Jen as they discuss getting started even when you are scared, the importance of charg

Do You Need Money to Make Money? | Lindsay Wagoner
February 20, 2023

We all have heard the saying It takes money to make money but how true is that? Lindsay Wagoner is her to dispel that myth and share her story about the biggest shift in her life that happened both professionally and personally. Join Lindsay and Je

Taking the Plunge: Starting a Business After Losing a Job | Jackie Cote
February 20, 2023

Freedom Mentor, Jackie Cote, joins Jen to discuss what it takes to overcome job loss and jumping into a life of freedom and adventure by starting your own business. Listen in as they discuss what it means to be a Freedom Mentor, facing the duality of

Are You Leading Your Life, or is Your Life Leading You?
February 20, 2023

In the debut episode, our host, Jen Ingram shares how she was tired of living a life filled with all the "supposed tos" and "shoulds" that come with societal standards, and checking all the "boxes" of life, such as school, career, marriage, and children.

Are You Ready to Get Shifted?!
February 20, 2023

Take a listen to find out what A Whole Lotta Shift is about and what you can expect from Jen and her guests.
