One Fry Short

One Fry Short

Latest Episodes

Ep. 14 - WHY AM I HERE?! Purpose...Part 2
February 10, 2023

The question what is my purpose? feels impossible to answer and the reality is it probably changes throughout our lives. A better question might be Are you proud of yourself?

Ep. 14 - WHY AM I HERE?! Purpose...Part 1
February 09, 2023

We explore the complexities of purpose...the hunt for it, the intertwining of it into our professions and the main question we even need one?

Ep. 13- Blind Leading The Blind... You Asked, We Answered.
January 27, 2023

In this week's episode, we answer your questions. We're not experts, but we have been through a lot, so take what we say with a grain of salt. ;)

Ep. 12 - Navigating Postpartum Anxiety and Tips for How To Recover With Guest Christina McPhillips.
January 20, 2023

Postpartum Anxiety is the lesser known relative of Postpartum Depression, but its symptoms are just as scary. Christina shares her history of PPA and the steps she took to recover.

Ep. 11 - Life as an HSP... and a petition to change the name.
January 13, 2023

If you want to feel seen as an HSP, this one's for you.

Ep. 10 - Sad in the City ft. Jordan White aka Jamie's Sister
January 06, 2023

Jamie's sister, Jordan, joins as our first guest to chat about therapy, relationships and how to be less sad... in the city.

Ep. 9 - January 2nd...Hates It!
December 30, 2022

A year in review and why we think January 2nd takes the cake for the absolute worst day of the year.

Ep. 8 - Festivus: The Airing of Grievances
December 16, 2022

We're taking a page out of Frank Costanza's (Seinfeld) playbook and rattling off the things that make the season not so merry.

Ep. 7 - Perfectionism
December 09, 2022

We talk through the struggles and opportunities of perfectionism.

Ep. 6 - "Warmitude"
December 02, 2022

Our feelings (we have many) on gratitude.