The Tom Renz Show

The Tom Renz Show

Latest Episodes

Friends Don’t Let Friends Get Vaxxed
November 04, 2023

The Tom Renz Show RIP Mathew Perry and the hundreds of thousands of other dead Americans lost to the modRNA COVID jabs. RIP all the babies dying around the world from these poisons (referencing the

Lawfare To Fight the Attacks on Our Freedom
November 03, 2023

The Tom Renz Show As we navigate the tumultuous start of the 2020s, I'm leading the charge against the great reset, utilizing lawfare to combat COVID overreach, election irregularities, and the encr

Biden’s Plan To Steal the Election
November 01, 2023

The Tom Renz Show Joe Biden has failed as a president on levels never before seen. The economy is collapsing, the border is open, there is war all over, COVID jabs are continuing to kill, and corrup

The World’s on Fire, Why Should You Care
October 31, 2023

The Tom Renz Show So many things are happening worldwide that it becomes very easy to lose sight of what we are fighting for. I think this has even thrown me off. I'm eager to share this realization

Where Were You When the World Burned?
October 26, 2023

The Tom Renz Show Elon Musk warns that the world is on the brink of WW3, urging readers to reflect on their roles in these tumultuous times. As the 2020s unfold, foreign policies push major powers c

WW3 & RINO Hunting: The Speaker Race Matters
October 24, 2023

The Tom Renz Show Amidst attempts by leftist and neocon factions to shift the epicenter for a potential world war, concerns arise over unexpected events at Israel's highly guarded border. As US troo

COVID, Israel, and the World on Fire
October 22, 2023

The Tom Renz Show The vaccines are one of the most successful killing machines in human history. One of the civilian leaders of the health tyranny army, Bill Gates, is now claiming he didn't like ma

Gitmo vs J6: Justice?
October 21, 2023

The Tom Renz Show The J6 insurrection instigated by the FBI is one of the most egregious attacks on our nation in its history. The FBI appears to have instigated and entrapped numerous people by usi

The Middle East and the Islamic Revolution
October 19, 2023

The Tom Renz Show The Middle East was not always the way it is. During the 1970s, many nations were far more Americanized than they are now. What changed? Much of the change came from the radicaliza

Time for a Hard Talk: Israel & Terror
October 18, 2023

The Tom Renz Show There is a hard push to take us to war. Ukraine didn't work, so we have Israel. We MUST support the PEOPLE of Israel and their government, but I have concerns about their governmen