Breathe In, Breathe Out with Krystal Jakosky

Latest Episodes
93: How Often Are You Using the Word “Just” In a Negative Way?
Its just stress. Im just emotional. Its just Think about the last time you used the word just in a negative way. How can you reframe that moment by eliminating the word altogether? Listen to thi
89: I Want You to Be Selfish & Considerate
Life is unpredictable. We never know when someones time will be up. I know the topic of death can be scary and uncomfortable, but you will thank yourself in the long run if you have a plan for the fu
The Science of Positive Thinking with Dr. Gina Schneider
This week, my guest and I discuss the powers of positive thinking, the dangers of toxic positivity, and why we should all embrace uncertainty. Dr. Gina Simmons Schneider is a licensed psychotherapist
87: What You Focus On Grows Meditation
In last weeks podcast we talked about the the power of focus. Join me this week for a guided mediation that will help you focus on what you want to grow.
What You Focus On Grows
What you focus on grows. If you focus on your pain, it seems to become more. Intense. All-encompassing. Overwhelming. If you focus on joyit grows. Increasing and spreading. Affecting those around y
Understanding Your 3 Main Causes of Upset
Werner Erhard identified three main causes of upset. Undelivered Communication Unmet Expectations Thwarted Intentions Understanding the concepts and applying them in daily communication helps alle
Understanding Your 3 Main Causes of Upset
Werner Erhard identified three main causes of upset.- Undelivered Communication- Unmet Expectations- Thwarted IntentionsUnderstanding the concepts and applying them in daily communication helps allevi
Planting Spiritual Seeds with Kevin Pennell
I absolutely love every chance I get to dive into conversation with Kevin Pennell and this weeks episode is no different. In this weeks episode, we dive into Kevins journey with the Native path a
Planting Spiritual Seeds with Kevin Pennell
I absolutely love every chance I get to dive into conversation with Kevin Pennell - and this week's episode is no different. In this week's episode, we dive into Kevin's journey with the Native path a