Bovine Science with BCI

Bovine Science with BCI

Latest Episodes

Herd Health: A.I. Protocols
July 29, 2024

In the last edition of Herd Health: a Bovine Science with BCI podcast, Dr. Bob Larson and Dr. Brad White discussed AI (artificial intelligence). During this episode, the experts talk about a different

Diving into Diets: Carbohydrates/Energy
July 22, 2024

What do all classes of cattle have in common? One answer is that they all share the need for the right amount of carbohydrates/energy in their diets to maintain proper health and nutrition. Dr. Philli

Tox Talk: 40% Death Loss
July 15, 2024

40% death loss occurs in only the young calves belonging to first-calf heifers within a large herd. Dr. Scott Fritz and Dr. Brad White analyze this abnormal case and discuss the necropsy process leadi

After the Abstract: Down Cows
July 08, 2024

Every cattle producer deals with down cows at some point in their career. The fate of the animal in most cases is grim. This episode of After the Abstract: a Bovine Science with BCI podcast featur

Herd Health: Machine Learning
July 01, 2024

Over the last couple of years, artificial intelligence and machine learning have become a part of daily life for most people. From self-driving cars to chatbots, they can be seen all around society

Diving into Diets: Protein
June 24, 2024

With most cows out on grass, now is the perfect time for producers to start thinking ahead and formulating rations for later in the year. A major component of those rations is protein. Dr. Phillip Lan

Depressed Calf
June 17, 2024

A producer brings a depressed calf and its dam to Dr. Matt Miesner from a herd with a history of scours. Initially, he thought it was a cut-and-dry case. After more investigation, the opposite started

Tox Talk: No Clinical Signs
June 10, 2024

Two months into the calving season, multiple calves within a 40 head herd randomly die with no clinical signs. Dr. Scott Fritz and Dr. Brad White get to the bottom this mystery on this weeks edition

After the Abstract: To Precondition or not to Precondtion
June 03, 2024

Dr. Brian Lubbers and Dr. Brad White deep dive into a recently published paper titled: Comparison between a complete preconditioning programme and conventional conduct on behaviour, health and perform

Herd Health: Stress and Reproduction
May 27, 2024

Breeding season has begun for some and is just around the corner for others. Learn more about how stress affects fertility and the success of an artificial insemination or embryo transfer project in t