Bovine Science with BCI

Latest Episodes
Herd Health: Using the Omics
With new genomic technology being used for Holstein cattle in the dairy industry, will this technology assist with fertility in the beef cattle industry? Dr. Bob Larson and Dr. Brad White discuss this
Tox Talk: Pasture Rotation
After a normal pasture rotation the next morning most of the herd is found dead. Dr. Scott Fritz and Dr. Brad White analyze this abnormal case and discuss the necropsy process leading to diagnosis in
After the Abstract: Bovine Anaplasmosis
Dr. Brian Lubbers and Dr. Brad White deep dive into a recently published paper titled:Case-control study to identify management practices associated with morbidity or mortality due to bovine anaplasm
Diving into Diets: Feeding Weaned Calves
Dr. Philip Lancaster and Dr. Brad White sit down and discuss feed intake in weaned calves and ways that producers can affect the intake. Tune in to this episode of Bovine Science with BCI to learn mor
Tox Talk: Overnight Death
40 cows were put out on corn stalks and the next morning 8 are dead. What caused their death and how could it have been prevented? Dr. Scott Fritz and Dr. Brad White get to the bottom of this case in
After the Abstract: Bovine Respiratory Disease in Feedlots on Arrival
In this episode of Bovine Science by BCI Dr. Brad White and Dr. Brian Lubbers discuss a recent research paper regarding risk of treatment of bovine respiratory disease on feedlot cattle at arrival and
Herd Health: Trace Minerals
In this edition of Herd Health: a Bovine Science with BCI podcast, Dr. Bob Larson and Dr. Brad White discuss the importance of trace minerals and being able to calculate them. The experts dive into a
Diving into Diets: Methane Emissions
A big conversation topic today is methane emissions. How does the beef industry affect greenhouse gas emissions and what are we doing to help. Dr. Phillip Lancaster and Dr. Brad White explain all thin
After the Abstract: Two Vaccines
Have you ever wondered if simultaneously giving two modified live vaccines will affect their respective efficacies? In this After the Abstract: a Bovine Science with BCI podcast episode, Dr. Brian Lub
Tox Talk: Two Dead Cows
Two 10-year-old cull cows were placed into a small pasture to put some weight on before going to town. Two weeks later, they are both dead with no clinical signs of disease. Dr. Scott Fritz and Dr. Br