Bovine Science with BCI

Bovine Science with BCI

Diving into Diets: Late Gestational Nutrition

November 11, 2024

In this episode of Diving into Diets a Bovine Science Podcast Dr. White and Dr. Lancaster look at a research paper about the effects of poor nutrition on late gestation cows. They will dive into what this means for future research as well as their key takeaways.

Article Discussed: Colby A Redifer, Lindsey G Wichman, Shelby L Davies-Jenkins, Abigail R Rathert-Williams, Harvey C Freetly, Allison M Meyer, Late gestational nutrient restriction in primiparous beef females: Performance and metabolic status of lactating dams and pre-weaning calves, Journal of Animal Science, Volume 102, 2024, skae015,