Bovine Science with BCI
Latest Episodes
After the Abstract: Hemotropic Mycoplasma
Dr. Brian Lubbers is back with another research article from the Journal of Dairy Science. This research looks at prevalence of hemotropic mycoplasma in heifers on Michigan farms. Dr. Lubbers and Dr.
Herd Health: Ultrasound Technology
In this episode of Herd Health Dr. Bob Larson brings an article studying Doppler ultrasounds on cattle. Dr. Brad White and Dr. Larson discuss what this technology could mean for the future of analyzin
Diving into Diets: Reducing Methane
In this episode Dr. Phillip Lancaster and Dr. Brad White are talking about methane emissions. Dr. Lancaster also brings an article out of Australia which looks at adjusting grazing systems to reduce t
Tox Talk: Death in a Dry Lot
In order to gain some weight 16 cows are put in a dry lot on feed, one morning the producer sees they havent eaten and the next morning 8 of them are dead. Dr. Scott Fritz and Dr. Brad White get to t
Herd Health: Bull Fertility
This episode of Herd Health a Bovine Science podcast with BCI our hosts discuss research on bull fertility. Dr. Bob Larson and Dr. Brad White dive into a paper from Assumpo and Hamilton. This resear
After the Abstract: Neurologic Case Report
In this episode of After the Abstract Dr. Brian Lubbers and Dr. Brad White go over a case report to see how practitioners are diagnosing neurologic disease. The experts will examine the article to see
Diving into Diets: Vitamin A
In this episode of Diving into Diets a Bovine Science Podcast Dr. White and Dr. Lancaster look at a research paper about the guidelines for supplementing vitamin A. This research answers some question
Tox Talk: Box of Tissue
In the initial call Dr. Scott Fritz receives a box of cattle to determine what caused 30% death loss after heifers were put out on grass. Find out how they got to the bottom of this case on this episo
After the Abstract: A.I.
In this episode of After the Abstract Dr. Brian Lubbers and Dr. Brad White look at a research paper from the Journal of Dairy Science. This research uses machine learning models to identify intramamma
Diving into Diets: Late Gestational Nutrition
In this episode of Diving into Diets a Bovine Science Podcast Dr. White and Dr. Lancaster look at a research paper about the effects of poor nutrition on late gestation cows. They will dive into what