Mindset Zone

Mindset Zone

Latest Episodes

The Power of Gratitude
March 05, 2021

Most people agree how important it is to be grateful. Research in Psychology also supports the power of gratitude. In her book––Sonja Lyubomirsky, dedicates a full chapter to this topic. She uses a de

React or Create – Your Choice
March 05, 2021

Think about a time when you lost your car keys, and you are already running late. You know that they have to be somewhere in your house, and you almost sure that you left them in the kitchen, but you

Failure and The Way To Success
March 05, 2021

 I spoke about the Art of Repurposing and a new perspective from the Icarus Myth I learned from one of my favorite authors: . During that episode I said: If we want to succeed, we may fail many times.

Blind Spots – We All Have Them
March 05, 2021

I received touching comments from  where I focused on Carol Dweck's book, “.” Here are a few: “If you ever wanted to make a difference in the world, you certainly did change my world with this podcast

Follow Your Passion – Worst Advice Ever?
March 05, 2021

Not long ago, I read a book entitled: The author, Cal Newport, argues that “follow your passion” is bad advice. So often, we hear this advice “follow your passion”, that we don't question its validit

Growth Mindset – Yes, We Can Learn It
March 05, 2021

The secret of success for self-employed professionals is developing a growth mindset. What does that mean? Let me define the opposite – fixed mindset. In a fixed mindset, we believe our basic...

Repurposing & The Icarus Myth Learned from Seth Godin
March 05, 2021

A solo business owner has to wear many hats. When we start our business, we soon realize that we also have to be our own marketing director, bookkeeper, sales person, webmaster, editor, and admin. Of
