Mindset Zone

Mindset Zone

Latest Episodes

Mindset Limitations: Pursuing Happiness
November 05, 2021

When we hear the words “mindset limitations” we often think about our beliefs, conscious or unconscious, that constrain the way we see, think, and feel the world around us. These beliefs affect our pr

Blindspots, First Impressions & People Skills (with Jordan Harbinger)
October 29, 2021

When I was preparing to interview Jordan Harbinger, host of The Art of Charm podcast, I planned to focus this episode on overcoming blindspots. In fact, I begin by telling the story about my big blind

The Independence Continuum
October 22, 2021

I recorded this MINDSET ZONE episode, on the Fourth of July, Independence Day, in the US. We commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776. This was when the American c

Mindset Shifts in Productivity, Balance and Entrepreneurship with Monique Y. Wells
October 15, 2021

In this episode, I had the pleasure to interview Monique Y. Wells. Monique is a productivity expert and loves to coach women entrepreneurs who want their businesses to support their ideal lifestyles..

Transitions–The Eagle and The Mouse
October 08, 2021

In  of the MINDSET ZONE podcast where the topic was “”, I spoke about a Greek philosopher called Heraclitus who said: "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's n

Essentialism by Greg McKeown
October 01, 2021

To conclude my series of podcast episodes about the importance of “Focusing”, I was honored to interview Greg McKeown, author of the New York Times Best Seller Book – . ...

Unfocus To Focus
September 24, 2021

I can’t stop focusing on focus. First it was the interview with Omar Zenhom –  of this podcast titled ““ Then, it was last show –  – about “.” Today, I decided to speak about “Unfocus to...

Focus Without Focus
September 17, 2021

 I interviewed Omar Zenhom about how to “.”  Afterwards, several ideas emerged for me that led to the topic “Focus Without Focus.” “” only works when we are focused on the essential projects that help

Focus To Succeed with Omar Zenhom
September 10, 2021

In this episode, I interviewed a fellow podcaster – Omar Zenhom. Omar is the Co-Founder of Business Republic, where he, and his partner Nicole Baldinu, started an alternative business...

A Conversation with Viktor Frankls Grandson - Alexander Vesely
September 03, 2021

 Trailer: Viktor & I, An Alexander Vesely In this episode, I spoke with Alexander Vesely about his grandfather, Viktor Frankl. Viktor Emil Frankl, M.D., Ph.D. (1905-1997) is considered by many as one